MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > Stupid 'turn-on' scene

Stupid 'turn-on' scene

Thought this was a fairly ridiculous and unnecessary scene. Aron re-watching the bikini suited girls on his camcorder, pause one certain scene and getting a boner? Sorry, I don't need to be in this *beep* up situation for a bunch of hours to know, nothing in the world would make me think of spanking the monkey. I thought this scene was just to give the audience a laugh or something. Completely wrong.


Yeah. No. It is so you know that when you are dying, when you are sick to death, the funny thing is, and this is of course unexpected, is that you can still get a hard on and wack off. I thought it was a nice touch to the plot, except that he didn't end up doing it. It's really surprising what the human body is still capable of despite the fact that one is dying and that one is it. It's funny but I think a man can still do it even after death, at least that's what I saw in Begotten. Plus on the commentary about that scene the director says that it was a dream and juxtaposition of female and that they were also completely in WATER.


people in the death camps during WW II had sex more frequently than you would think. they were as close to death as ralston was. it's life affirming.


Completely wrong, folks. You hear that? Shame on you for having any empathy at all when you watched this scene. Now go back to your cages right now and don't you dare think any sexual thoughts whatsoever tonight.


Yeah, there should be a law against boners in situations like this one.

These boners are 'ridiculous and unnecessary'. Boners ought to be serious and necessary.

Unnecessary boners should be forbidden, in reality and in fiction. They are 'completely wrong'. Why? Just because you happen to 'not think of spanking the monkey'. That is the greatest of arguments.


He should have just done it to get used to left-hand whacking. Might as well get a head-start learning.


Haha nice pun "Addict". Left hand whacking does not come naturally to right handers.


Think long and hard about it. No pun intended. I think its possible to think this way- it could takes one's mind off the reality of things?
I think there is every chance he did look at his pictures for distraction?


I thought the exact same thing, Anton_Kolk.

I own you.


Now I knew it wouldn't happen, because I knew about his story, but when watching the movie I was thinking, NOW is the time for a rescue team to find him!

"When we found him, the poor bastard had been stuck for 4 days without food, he was dehydrated and hallucinating, he was in incredible pain, just waiting to die... And in his hand looking up at us, was his erect penis!"

I kick a s s for the lord.


I was disappointed that there was no nudity


