It seems you’re projecting onto him, which you have ne evidence, all these petty reasons for Truman’s decision to fulfill his Commander-in-Chief duties. Even save American lives.
This film shows lengthy ponderous chats analyzing every aspect of discussion—every point of view, strategically and morally, and I have no reason the conclude that it was glossed over in real life by Truman, the mushroom-cloud-laying motherfucker, that you are trying portray him as.
The Imperial Japanese of this time period were a brutal enemy. They killed our boys at Pearl, in a sneaky-as-shit preemptive attack, and their corpses are still there floating in that harbor behind degraded (supposedly once-watertight) hatches. We were even isolationists then, and they still drew us into combat! Poked the sleeping dragon like a petulant child. Japan attacked Australia and Indonesia the same way. Our conventional bombing of Tokyo and coastal military targets had already been far more devastating, with no sign of their surrender. Rape camps for Chinese woman prisoners, Kamikaze pilots, a militarized civilian population. They were a mess. Nearly the ISIL (ISIS) of their time.
Japan had a troubled juvenile history, and we straightened them out with some tough love, and now they’re a straight ‘A’ student.