MovieChat Forums > Elysium (2013) Discussion > Nothing but a bunch of liberal claptrap

Nothing but a bunch of liberal claptrap

My daughter convinced me into watching this even though I knew in advance it would be nothing but pure leftist propaganda. I guess on the bright side, it was a really bad movie anyway. Jokes on you, libs.


Liberals would suffocate without their laughable propaganda.


Moral of the story: don't let your country be overrun by illegal immigrants so you're forced to construct an orbiting space station to preserve civilisation.


That is a good way of looking at it. Don't worry, Trump is going to make sure this doesn't happen to us.


When Dump, Donnie the Con Man, can not fix what he has promise to his flock of degenerates and their new Communist Party of America the GOP, the laughing at the sickness that has become the White Base of America, those entitled to true socialism, i.e. Medicare and K, alone with Soc Sec, the true people who live off the system will craw back under the Rock they came come, this time forever.

"Lets make some LSD" Dr Walter Bishop.


When Dump, Donnie the Con Man, can not fix what he has promise to his flock of degenerates and their new Communist Party of America the GOP, the laughing at the sickness that has become the White Base of America, those entitled to true socialism, i.e. Medicare and K, alone with Soc Sec, the true people who live off the system will craw back under the Rock they came come, this time forever.

"Lets make some LSD" Dr Walter Bishop.


Word. But... the jig us up! People are calloused to mindless/brain-dead charges of "racism". The ILLEGALS and refugees are gonna get CREAMED!! The reaction will be stronger/swifter than the action.


I thought a lot of the bad guys and the rich people were white and most of the poor and good guys were hispanic but that's quite common in films in my experience (eg The Matrix).

