Female Beekeeper

The female Beekeeper got her ass stomped nd burnt to a crisp. For some reason I wish Kristen Stewart had played the part


I liked that scene because it was quirky and over the top even compared to the rest of the movie.

I agree that Stewart would have been good in that part.


For how badass she was, she should have known that such a dress and shoes are not the best when going on the hunt. If we assume that the beekeeper are all so badass as Statham (of course Statham is still twice as badass), they wouldn't do such mistakes. She basically begged to die.


finally, something unwoke and realistic!!! maybe this movie aint so bad after all


A bottle booze and a shot for every bee pun and the movie beats any Scorsese!


if you think a Jason Statham action film is realistic then that kind of explains the incredibly idiotic mindset of someone is only capable of seeing the worth through their obsessive "woke or not woke?" lens.

just when I think politically obsessed losers can't get any more dumb they champion a Statham action film as realistic. sometimes I feel ashamed to share the same species as you lot


sorry but women cannot fight. they just scream and run away. it's logical fact! in recent movies they try to show women as being tough and that they can beat up men, but have you ever seen that??? nope. even rhonda rousey would get her ass kicked by the male average joe. so no, it's not political. women just aren't funny or smart either. amy shumer???


That scene was fun but she felt like a crazy goon, not someone who would be hired to be a beekeeper.


She looked she like walked straight out of Cyberpunk 2077 LMAO.


Let's hear it for Megan Le!

Over-the-top role, but she made it hers. I wish her character had more to do in the film, or had been available for the sequel.


i skipped that part - it was so fucking cringe


As soon as the scene started, I was like "oh boy, here we go." I absolutely hate the scenes where a woman fights a man in movies. They're so farfetched and preposterous.

Disclosure: I have no problem with superhero or mutant or alien women demolishing men in the fight scenes. There's no reason that wouldn't be plausible. However, simple human on human is ridiculous.


I agree. Men. almost always beat females in physical hand-to-hand combat, but using guns, women can be as-good-shot's, just as smart andquick thinking.


I liked the male-female fight in John Wick 2, where John Wick beats the hell out of the beautiful and badass Ruby Rose. She was quick, agressive and deadly, and she had an unmistakable and perfect butt, but he kicked her ass. Wen he kicked/punched her gut, it was pretty much over.


