Sick, sick, sick!
What a totally sick concept. Anyone who would propose or try to institute this should be put in a mental institution.
What a totally sick concept. Anyone who would propose or try to institute this should be put in a mental institution.
The second one is much worse.
OMG! They made another one?? Yikes!
There are three movies. They are connected but not true sequels. In first movie the guy was a doctor, a twisted one, but still a doctor. The second movie a weird guy watched the first movie and decided he wanted to do the same thing with more people. He is not a doctor and he is not very clean. The third film features the stars of the first two films set in a prison. I have not seen that one.
I just discovered they actually made three. On IMDB the first one was rated 4.4, the second one was 3.9, and the third was a pathetic 2.8. Why do they keep making this shit?
actually it is a brilliant series, if you get what six was aiming for. most people reduce it to the graphic horror, but there is much more to it, especially if you look at the whole trilogy and how it gets more meta with each installment. the third part in particular is rather a social satire than a horror film.
take the first one as an example. people were screaming how disgusting it was, proving that they did not even see it, because there is basically close to no gore shown whatsoever. as a reaction to that six gave them with the second one, exactly what they said about the first one, while also starting to to use the meta level within the film. and the third one ... wow, it was agonizing to watch, but man did he hammer his point in. phew.
So what was he aiming for? Can you give us your thoughts about what the movie is saying?
shareit is not neccessarily about a particular message, but the art itself especially in relations to the media outrage around it.
six did not have the 3 film concept in mind, when doing the first one, he just went with the flow as events occured. the first one in terms of how it's structured, filmed, cut and saturated is an homage to horror films of the 70s and 80s. that was the original plan and it worked out quite well. then the media outrage occured, claiming it to be so much worse than it was, even though it barely showed anything. the haters were screaming "too much" and the gorehounds that got lured into the fim by said outrage screamed "not nearly enough", so with part 2 he gave them what they expected from the first one and much more. also (spoilers) it takes it to a meta level this way: the antagonist of the second film, watches the first film and takes it as an inspiration to do what he does. furthermore he intentionally added stuff into the film, that he knew he could not get away with and guarantee bans and cuts in most countries, even further toying with the media outrage.
as for the 3rd one, he changed the concept for the third installment over time and settled with maybe the most unsettling, over the top disgusting satire imaginable. to make it even more extreme, he changed the direction of the series once again, most likely to even anger those gore hounds that liked the second installment. and if that was not enough, he also sets it in a universe where the first film exists, let's the antagonist (which is played by the same guy that played the antagonist in the first film) also chose that as a reference for supposedly real world events. even further, installment 3 features the director himself by playing ... himself. every single bit in the third film is exaggerated to the max and therefore on one hand is impossible to be taken seriously, but on the other hand also almost impossible not be disgusting by.
Peoples mouths being sawn on the ass of the person infront of them was pretty gorry to be. Not so much the gore but the digestive implications which if I remember was actually depicted in the film.
Sick, sick, sick.
I only watched the first one for the boobs. But feelt like throwing up halfway through it.
sharein that case you should never check out the second one, not even considering the third installment. xD
share I'll risk it if they have more boobs and full frontal. Females of course. I do get tired of the trend of movies that show male nudeity with no female nudity. Looking at the casting though I noticed they put most of the females in the front with one female on the tail. I'm guessing this is for asthetics? heh. Make that two females on the tail.
speaking of which whats the 3rd obne called. When looking it up on imdb I just found the parady version.
human centipede III (full sequence)
actually i don't remember. it (as well as the porn parody) has bree olson in it, so maybe.
nevertheless, if you found the first one digusting, i doubt you will make it through the 3rd one. xD
Yea I'll probably not watch the third since the previews implie its just a bunch of male prisoners.
shareItβs pretty easy to come up with a really sick concept. Anyone who thinks anyone who makes sick movies should be put in a mental institution is a moron.
I didn't say the movie maker should be put in a mental institution. I said anyone who would actually do this in real life should be put into a mental institution. Get it right, nose. You need to read posts more carefully.