WTF Happened to the baby?!?

I just got done watching the movie and just wanted to know WTF happened to the baby? It looked to me like the lady gave birth to it and then kicked the baby under the gas pedal and then stomped on it. IS that what happened? Did she act like she was dead, then get up and run as she starts to give birth to get away from this mad man just to give birth to her baby to kill it? Please let me know what happened, and what your thoughts on the scene was. If that is what happened then that lady is the dumbest movie character in movie history, and Tom Six wins my award for making the dumbest scene in movie history, and I have watched a lot of dumb movies.


She may have used her foot to sort of kick the kid out of the way so she could step on the gas pedal. It's such a fast shot that we don't get a clear look. Some part of the kid seems to be under the gas pedal, but not sure it's his head. And if it is the head, not sure if she totally crushed it.


I watched this film at an all night film festival recently and the guy introducing the movies came back at the end and confirmed that part of the 2 minutes plus of cuts that were done was the bit when the baby falls under the gas pedal, she floors it and the baby "explodes". ho hum.



And after Shannen-doherty, you've posted the dumbest comment.


at what point is this is in the film, so i can fast forward please? thank you.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


"she's already the dumbest movie character for getting pregnant, though"

this + your username = you are my hero of the day

"Come on, pelican!"


I have just watched it..Gross btw!

I don't think she meant it at all but I don't think its a mercy killing either. I think that she meant to just step on the peddle and go! But it had just been born so it was covered in blood and other stuff and so was she and probably the floor as well, so by her going to put her foot on the peddle, got the baby caught up in her foot and blood and stuff, and It just slipped on to the peddle. I think that in her desperate attempt to escape, her overwhelming feeling of escape caused her to ignore everything around her and just GO! Thus, accidently crushing the baby

^^^^^Just IMO


just to be positive, look at it this way, at least she (supposedly) survived and managed to get away from Martin. She could just make another kid. i've read that opossums have the fetus develop outside the body in their pouches is because if chased by a predator, the mother could simply let go of the baby, which could've slowed it down. even though a life was lost, the mother has another opportunity to potentially reproduce again.


That doesn't seem very likely to me... Possum babies are carried in a pouch. The mother would have to stop running, reach into her pouch and grab a baby and pull it out. I think that would usually take long enough for whatever was chasing her to catch up to her.

Anyway, it woud have been kind of funny, and less ambiguous, if the mother in HC2 threw the newborn out the window at Martin before driving away.


Ala Feast 2.


I thought it was an accident in the heat of the escape.



As said earlier, I agree on the fact that if it were accident (Which I believe, cmon theres no real excuse for deliberately killing the baby that way) then she is one stupid person. It'd be pretty obvious to the mother that the babys coming out, which surely she could of caught it. But not being so, instead it dropped on the floor which she paused and just stared at it for a few seconds. Now thats enough time to pick it up. And quickly driving off in "Panic" and killing the baby doesn't cut it for me, im sure shed be scared to Hell enough. But my main point is, is that when she took off immediately, it wasn't as if Martian had breaked the windows or was a direct threat at that point, he was still as stupid, and couldn't get into the car when she drove off.

It would of made a little more sense if hed of smashed the window with a crowbar, then pointed his gun inside the car, then im pretty sure anyone would quickly speed off, no matter what. But in this case, he was mindlessly banging on the window, im pretty sure a motherly instinct would be to safeguard the baby at first, since shes not at direct threat, then speed off.

Just saying



After reading the reviews of this movie I actually felt quite dirty watching it. I downloaded it and then quietly deleted after watching so no one would know. But anyways.... my version was clearly cut. All I saw was the part where you saw the baby being born and then it just cut to the woman driving away. I'm probably glad I missed that scene. Gore doesn't generally phase me but certain scenes in this film made me gag. Literally.


I just saw the uncut version and Imho she had pretty much lost her mind by that time; after having had her older child taken away and she didn't know what happened to him, her husband turned into a human centipede, herself assaulted and left for dead and having to give birth in a car with a manman banging outside her window. Whatever normal instincts she might have had, were buried under the trauma and all she could respond to was the urge to flee. It wasn't deliberate.


Well I saw the UK cut version & the babies death was cut & I'm actually glad because in my mind there was no reason for the baby to die like that & I think it was just for some shock value , I love the movie & love TomSix but really no reason for that sceen ( baby killed ) .


If the one post is true than it might make more sense with the cuts as to what happened. It's clearly obvious in the version i saw for example where the barbwire rape happens, but when we look at the baby scene, it does go by really quickly in comparison to how the summaries of the plot really made it sound. After all of reading it and finally seeing it my response in my head honestly was "that was it? it's a cheap ploy but everyone got all vocal about something that wasn't even shown that viciously in comparison to the rest of the film?" but if there is a more visceral version of the baby scene then it would make quite a bit more sense

