One of the main attractions of Christian films that makes it come alive are people who truly believe in what they're doing. Cecil B Demilles Ten Commandments did well be somewhere those actors and actresses had a belief in God or believed in the moralistic tenets of Christianity.
Ironically Moses also didn't believe in god he believed in Egyptians gods. So god chose an unbeliever.
Speaking as a Christian, I have to agree with the above. What many Christians fail to mention is that even the Cecille B. DeMille epic... mentions that Moses is not a beliver, until he meets God... as Heston said.." Face to face".
I see no reason why atheists cannot direct Biblical movies. I understand not everyone shares the beliefs I share.
Many point to science and say that it is not compatible with Christianity. me I fail to see that the dichotomy is a relevant one.
That's Like saying that " this Biology Book, is incompatible with this Computer programming book."
Science and Religion do not seek to answer the same questions. Christians have no right to point to the Bible, and say " Evolution makes no sense". And... atheists have no right to point to science books and say " Creationism is BS."
Creationism is not a scientific treatise, or a Historical story.
Science seeks to answer How.... Religion seeks to answer why.
As long as each sticks to it's own, Both can be very beneficial.
Do I believe God Created the heavens and the earth? yes.... I also believe he used Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Evolution to do it.
There is ONLY a dichotomy if you feel there is an existential threat in holding the opposing belief. It is sad, that people feel there is one, when there isn't.
Well said. I would agree with you entirely. I admit I don't consider myself a practicing Christian, although I have been pushed to be in the past, or a liker of science, but I can appreciate the morals that are being taught, particularly in the New Testament, and that essentially the paraples are perhaps the most interesting part of the bible because they, to me, emphasise that the bible is anachronistic, it teaches even if I don't believe much or any of what happens in it actually happened. I would add to this to emphasise that the Exodus book is a story. To me it is a compelling tale that addresses interesting themes of power, subversion and hope. If a director, regardless of his beliefs, can tell that story well and make one think about the morals it teaches then why is he in the wrong. If a story is altered in its path from book to screen, why does it matter if the end result is compelling or, more importantly, entertaining.
It was told with RESPECT in regards to what that man was suffering and the pit and turmoil he came out of. The movie Scott directed wasn't told in the same manner. It was told with an agenda to disrespect, hate on, be closed minded and bully and abuse Christians and use reverse psychology to demean any of the sacred beliefs. And no one wants to convert any one. If people want to go to hell God will surely oblige them. God is 200% for free will. That's why he allows mankind to curse, abuse each other, lie cheat steal and become millionaires. I fact I think Satan loves God because he gets his way so much that porno is a billion dollar industry. No one wants to beat anyone's crazy behind with a Bible. If you want to be a drug addict and legalize drugs God even allowed Satan to oblige mankind and gave mankind the right to choose. All I'm saying is be respectful to everyone's religion and stop singling out Christians. If you want hell we won't say anything . And as you can clearly see that's why certain laws have been passed allowing people to do unchristian things in a nation where the majority is suppose to be Christian. Mankind wants hell and perversion fine. Just respect the religion or if you have nothing good to say about it don't say anything at all.
I wouldn't have a problem beating your ass senseless with a bible if I thought it would do any good. This country was founded on the separation of church and state so that crazy ass morons like yourself didn't start making everyone else live the way you and your ignorant, brainwashed holier then now troop of psychopath followers do. I find it quite funny that you have taken things that YOU have a problem with and made it so black and white. If you're a drug addict then you're evil, if you watch porno you're evil. If ignorance is bliss you must be in Heaven already.
What are u talking about, why would i want to shoot people in a church? For someone who claims to be a Christian you certainly judge people a lot, I mean isn't that a no no according to your belief system. That's the funniest thing about Christians, you guys hand pick everything that u like in the Bible and dismiss all the rest. And how do u know what God wants to do about anything, or that he will gladly send people to Hell for things YOU have issues with? If God loves us then I highly doubt he would WANT us in a fiery damnation instead of chillin' with him in paradise, don't you? And it seems like you would almost be happy to see your brothers and sisters sent to Hell for eternity for something as little as struggling with an addiction just so you could parade around like a little brat and say I told ya so to all the sinners out there. That's a really sick mind you have and I'm not surprised you enjoyed "Courageous." You're a brainwashed Neo-Christian who thinks crap like that is high quality entertainment while slamming a movie from a director who has brought us classic, ground breaking films like "Alien"-"Gladiator"-"Kingdom of Heaven"-"Blade Runner" and so many others. Why am I even waisting my time with you.
mpurvismattp, actually, this country was founded on the idea of the freedom of religious choice, which, in itself, was and is a lie. The Puritans came to this country to have the right to be Puritans without conviction, yet, they forced their townspeople to be Puritans or pay the price. This, indirectly, caused the formations of different towns from citizens of a town leaving it to practice their own beliefs (they had to have a place to live and do business). I study genealogy and have seen many such situations that occurred in the beginnings of this country for religious choice.
Every time a different religion was introduced into this country, it was met with rejection and violence, even the extremely peaceful religions, like Quakers. so these people had to carve out their own place in America.
The separation of church and state began in England. Our forefathers did support the concept, though it is easy to recognize Christianity spread throughout the pages of our major government documents. The concept of separation is much easier than the action, itself. Much of our earlier government actions were strong examples of Christian hypocrisy as well. Counting people as 3/5ths of a vote is certainly not Christian or ethical, though it was a logical argument for the balance in Congress of Northerners and Southerners (logical because they couldn't come up with something better).
Malayada, I realize you may never read this, but your conceptual reasoning is somewhat confused here. You may be unhappy with Mr. Scott's apparent humanized approach to the character of Moses, making him a Godless man, at least through much of the show, but there is nothing Christian in this story, nor is there meant to be.
This story is about Hebrews (Jews) who are uncompromisingly placed in the position of cruel and wanton slavery to the Egyptians. This is accepted Biblical history in the Old Testament. Mr. Scott takes liberty with having God appear to Moses as a child, a hard, tough-minded child. Instead of responding to a voice coming from a burning bush (which he handily has in their first meeting) Moses gets to respond to a child. This is not biblical, but it still makes its point.
The director has the ability to show history with his own twist, that's Hollywood. Obviously, most people didn't agree with Mr. Scott's approach because the movie failed at the box office.
Besides this movie, you seem to be on a Christian Holy War, attacking others who may not think as you do. Have you considered the fact that you are painting a very negative picture of Christianity to those who read your words? If you are truly Christian, I ask you to consider not judging others, as the Bible advises us. An angry diatribe is not going to lead or convert non-believers.
Only because Christians and Muslims claim them as being a part of their religions. Christians steal everything from other religions. Even the Jesus story was stolen from pagan mythology of the time (not that Horus BS).
What is original with Christianity? What new thing did Christianity bring that religions before it didn't already have in some part? It's a religion of thievery.
That's the modern Christian mind at work for ya Changing history to suit their agenda, trying to convince the world they are somehow being persecuted because they have to share this country with atheists and people of other faiths instead of forcing us to teach creationism in school, saying the pledge of allegiance and assuming everyone should have a Merry Christmas like they have in the past. Taking other people into consideration is in no way harming you or your religion, would u want someone assuming that you were a Jew and wishing u a Happy Hanukkah, I rest my case.
Look what Christians in Texas did recently: rewrote history in school textbooks to say that black people immigrated from Africa to the US, and became "workers".
It's not a Christian film. Exodus, and the story of Moses, belong first and foremost to the Jewish religion, followed by the Christian and Muslim religions on equal footing. Christians shouldn't claim ownership of stories that don't belong to them...
We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.
I'm indifferent to most religions. I don't rip people for being religious and I don't for people who aren't either.
I watched the movie and was entertained...I guess.
But I give malayday credit. It's difficult to be Christian these days...really. If you say you're Christian, so many people get so upset. They attack their beliefs, disprove the Bible and call them all crazy. Sure, there's fanatical Christians...just like there is in all religions.
The majority of Christians are good people...not to say nonchristians aren't...but studies have found that they usually give more to charity, keep their families together, and help out in the community. Of course there are exceptions, but I mean on average.
Again, I find religions to be pretty ridiculous for a lot of the same reasons listed on this page, but I don't understand why people constantly feel the need to go after them. I think people judge an entire religion based on the extremists. If religion helps people maintain a happy life in this effed up world, then more power to them.
Without religion, people wouldn't have come together to achieve so many great accomplishments in history. Could you imagine a world of atheists? Everybody would be waking around saying how stupid everybody else is. I think it would've been more difficult to get people together to work toward a common goal--or get forced into doing it.
I don't know why I feel the need to stick up for Christians. I guess I'm just tired of everybody acting like they're completely nuts. Honestly, the nicest people I know are religious...maybe I'm somehow thinking of how they would feel if a bunch of people attacked them all the time. I'm sort of putting faces to the general Christians.
One thing I don't understand...and this goes for all when did people get so sure of everything? These days, it seems like everyone has the right answers, and if you disagree, they hate you. What the eff happened?
The reason many have problems with Christians is because they try to force their views on other people. I've seen Christians say things like " This is a country founded by Christians" or " This is a Christian country" as if that was the law of the land and we should all obey. This is a country founded on the separation of church and state, where EVERYONE'S rights and beliefs or lack of beliefs are valid and should be treated with respect. Many Christians these days (mainly born agains but not exclusively) have a rather crazy and relatively new outlook on how things should be and how they have always been. Things such as the world is 4,000-5,000 years old and Adam and Eve rode on dinosaurs in the garden of Eden as well as the reason this post was started online and the fact that this Christian thinks THEY own this story from the Old Testament even though it happened way before Jesus was even around. And also the fact that this poster and many like them think that just because Ridley Scott is a non believer (which I'm not even sure is true) that he is not aloud to make such a film or that he did only because he has an agenda and is trying to discredit the stories of Moses and God himself without even giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and instead of being excited that a great director like himself would want to spend his time and effort making a movie on the subject.
Although I am not religious at all, I don't really have a problem with Christianity. Or any other religion for that matter. I do have a problem with the ever increasing hypocrites that call themselves Christians. And those of other religions as well. I watched this film for the action and special effects not for the accuracy of the story. Whether it really happened, how it happened, or who is telling (the director) what happened does not matter to me.
Atheists are haters of God as Most gays are so you said that quite eloquently ---
Your statement about Christians should only make Christian movies --- I agree to a point if they don't have at least Jewish/Christisn overseers so they don't pervert the GOD HISTORICAL TRUTH - like they did in this film ---
All these people on here trying to say that the Bible is false or fantasy --- NOTHING TRUER HAS EVER BEEN WRITTEN it's from the finger of Almighty God written through his Prophets --- better than any historical book I be ever seen ---
And the Pope did visit Kim Davis to wish her well and prayers !!!
Which of the many different version of just the New Testament is the truth? They can't all be right.
There are also many version of the Old Testament. Most Judaic scholars use them as outlines of a religion, as they know much of what is in them them are far removed from historic fact.
The New Testament has several translations from the original Greek. Like the Old Testament from the Hebrew, but the source language scriptures are the same.
An Aramaic scholar told a National Geographic researcher that tin the scriptures Moses crossed the Reed Sea, later known as the Great Bitter Lakes, now dug up for the Suez Canal. Whoever translated it mistook the Aramaic word for "reed" as "red".
Wow Bob u think that's eloquence? Ok so first of're an idiot! Secondly why is it dumb ass people like yourself think that atheists "hate God?" THEY DON'T FU(KING BELIEVE IN GOD U RETARD! Do u hate Santa Clause, or perhaps u have it out for the Easter Bunny? Oh what's that? U don't believe in them so why would u waste the time and effort hating something that u don't believe exists? Great point Bob so why would u think atheists would be any different? And why would u go out of your way to agree with a homophobic douche bag's statements like most gays hate God. That is just nonsense with absolutely no bases in fact whatsoever. Show me the proof u *beep*! Oh u can't? People like u make others hate organized religion. With your incoherent babel, how's that for eloquence you jack off!!!