very few, a miniscule amount in fact, of movies involve the glorification of rape. movies that most of us have seen, aside from a few arthouse filmschool students, involve rape as a mechanism to set off the protagonist's vengeance throughout the rest of the movie. it is not looked upon as a good thing. what a freak.
I don't disagree with your overall point, but I do think you're missing a big part of reality. You'd be surprised by how many men get off on watching rape in films and shows, and how many men and women express having rape fantasies.
Just on the "Irreversible" board, there are a few posts by men claiming to normally get turned on watching fictionalized rape in media and even describe the usual Hollywood rape as something sexy, but then complain that the rape scene in "Irreversible" was way too much for them, too realistic and graphic, and so they couldn't enjoy "Irreversible" and hated it...
I agree that it's not generally glorified, but, apparently, since it often serves as just a standard plot device, it's so played down and shown as something quick and virtually painless and the victim's post-rape emotions reduced to little more than a personal insult that omits the deep and lasting devastation that can result, that this facilitates fetishizing the act and fuels fantasies to a point where, when the harsh brutality and disgusting nature of rape is shown as realistically as possible, this has a jarring effect as it contrasts wholly with their established conception of rape. (One of the reasons why I think "Irreversible" is a great film). That alone signifies that Hollywood generally gets it all wrong when they portray rape, so it's not as easy a subject as you make it out to be.
Myself, I do think that ANYTHING is fair game in film or shows, it all depends on treatment.
Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.