MovieChat Forums > Horns (2014) Discussion > Oh goodie, more female rape

Oh goodie, more female rape

I'm beyond done with books and movies and TV shows including rape as if it's just the normal thing to do to women which is so sad and not entertainment. Men and children also get raped, but it's hardly ever shown or completely skipped over (except OZ and a few other producers who dared to go there with real life)

I guess rape is okay as entertainment and a turn on when it's women--and doing actual reality of it happening to men would be too uncomfortable to watch. Rape of anyone doesn't need to happen in movies or tv or really is sad.

I wanted to watch this for Daniel, but no


Wait, did you even watch the movie? In no way was the rape/murder presented in a way that is sexual, or in any way arousing. What do you want? All movies to be censored to a G rating?

This PC culture has gotten WAY out of control.


all i took away from your rant was "I WANT TO SEE KIDS AND MEN GET RAPED"

freak. get ...( fill in the blank )

very few, a miniscule amount in fact, of movies involve the glorification of rape. movies that most of us have seen, aside from a few arthouse filmschool students, involve rape as a mechanism to set off the protagonist's vengeance throughout the rest of the movie. it is not looked upon as a good thing. what a freak.

i guess you got raped at one point in your life or had someone you knew get raped and now you're on a misguided idealistic crusade to eliminate all mention of rape from any media you lay your eyes on - which ironically is pretending like no one ever gets raped. being someone with first hand experience of sexual abuse i am disgusted by that possible perspective. if rape was eliminated and whitewashed, completely ignored, then in fact more rapes occur and are covered up. you do not cover up any aspect of humanity, especially our darker sides. that way lies serious serious problems for everyone.

you acknowledge, be aware, and then let go.


very few, a miniscule amount in fact, of movies involve the glorification of rape. movies that most of us have seen, aside from a few arthouse filmschool students, involve rape as a mechanism to set off the protagonist's vengeance throughout the rest of the movie. it is not looked upon as a good thing. what a freak.

I don't disagree with your overall point, but I do think you're missing a big part of reality. You'd be surprised by how many men get off on watching rape in films and shows, and how many men and women express having rape fantasies.
Just on the "Irreversible" board, there are a few posts by men claiming to normally get turned on watching fictionalized rape in media and even describe the usual Hollywood rape as something sexy, but then complain that the rape scene in "Irreversible" was way too much for them, too realistic and graphic, and so they couldn't enjoy "Irreversible" and hated it...
I agree that it's not generally glorified, but, apparently, since it often serves as just a standard plot device, it's so played down and shown as something quick and virtually painless and the victim's post-rape emotions reduced to little more than a personal insult that omits the deep and lasting devastation that can result, that this facilitates fetishizing the act and fuels fantasies to a point where, when the harsh brutality and disgusting nature of rape is shown as realistically as possible, this has a jarring effect as it contrasts wholly with their established conception of rape. (One of the reasons why I think "Irreversible" is a great film). That alone signifies that Hollywood generally gets it all wrong when they portray rape, so it's not as easy a subject as you make it out to be.

Myself, I do think that ANYTHING is fair game in film or shows, it all depends on treatment.

Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.


I disagree that it should never be used in storytelling.

Also, regarding the OP claim that rape is used because its sexy, it certainly isnt sexy in its use in this movie at all.


HOWEVER, rape is used too often in storytelling.

In this movie, it is used in a ham handed way as a plot device that is just meant to make the killer more "evil". They just really wanted to demonize the killer and make sure you knew it wasnt just an accident that she died and it wasnt just a moment of rage. We need a really unforgivable antagonist so they can be killed in the name of justice for the ending confrontation.


OP needs to get a grip.



You sound an awful lot like the OP. Are you a sock puppet?

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!



First of all, I haven't "bullied" anyone on this thread, so dial it down a notch or two, will you? I'm not sure "bullied" means what you think it means. At any rate, your reply is totally over the top. I wrote two sentences to you and you flip out like a crazy person. Have you actually read your entries on this thread? WHY ARE YOU SO UPSET?

Secondly, you seem to have completely missed the concept of message boards. See, the way it works is, someone starts a topic and then other people comment on said topic. Now the rub is, not all of the ensuing comments will be in agreement with the original topic. Some of the responses will be in agreement, some of them will be in opposition, some will criticize and others will merely ask questions. Now, if one is not open to any and all kinds of feedback, then perhaps one should not participate in message boards. Do you understand? It seems a pretty simple concept to me. So, it occurs to me that you should grow a thicker skin.

And finally, when I asked, "are you a sock puppet," it was basically an observation because your entry seemed similar in tone to the OP's first entry. If I wanted to "insult" you, BELIEVE me, I could do better than that. Your outrage is unwarranted. Just because someone disagrees with you or takes issue with something you said does NOT mean that you're being "bullied."

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!



What you really mean is, you want to have the last word. Well, I don't have to "shut up" because you tell me to. NOW who's bullying? If you can't handle criticism on a message board, you should get the hell off and let those who have a backbone communicate. And you have a LOT of nerve calling ME "sensitive" when you're the one ranting and raving like a lunatic. You need to hold up a mirror, lady and take a good look. Better yet, GROW UP. Nobody owes you a damn thing, certainly not some stranger on the internet. If you can't take the "heat" because your ego and self-esteem are so fragile, you should leave the kitchen. How old are you, thirteen? I am done being polite.

Now, ENOUGH with your persecution complex. No one is out to get you. NOBODY "BULLIED" YOU. You've taken one flippant comment to heart and gone completely off the rails. Christ!

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!


There's dozens of films which have touched on male rape and even child rape, off the top of my head there's Deliverance, Matador, Antichrist, American History X, Girl With The Dragon tattoo, Sleepers and many more! It's not always men committing the act in these films either. I don't understand why you think that makes any different to the significance of the act? There was nothing visually graphic in this film and only a complete psycho would find it a turn on. I can't help but think you're just sounding off for the sake of it.

"I want you to hold it between your knees" - Bobby Dupea


in UK there's 85000 rapes per years and it makes around 11 per hour and one rape per 5 minutes (rounded the numbers except the 85000/y) it's even more constant in US.

RAPE is NOT normal and NOBODY SAY THEY OTHERWISE except SOME rapists !!!!!!!!
Often when there's a rape in a movie, the raper get the consequenses. Nothing in our society encourage rape (except publicity and some women that play mind games)
All rapist deserve to die because we don't need them. Nobody need them and don't say the otherwise. He's replacable !!

So... IT'S NOT NORMAL it's... CURRENT !!!! That's it...

In the movie the woman got raped before her murder probably for the intensity of the scene and reflect the emotion of the character played by Daniel.


those numbers are REPORTED rapes. keep that in mind.
many rapes and sexual assault are not reported to the authorities.


I think you're missing the point here. I doubt the rape scene in this movie is entertaining to anyone in their right minds. It depicts the cruelty of raping and it makes me want to burn the rapist alive. It justifies whatever cruel punishment coming to him in the end.

There's nothing wrong with avoiding the rape scene all together. However, the rape scene presented as it really is, a crime, sends strong message to male audience. Don't rape. It's extremely painful to the victim.

I'm not saying that there aren't anyone turned on by rape scenes. There are and it's disgusting. But hey, they could watch Sesame Street and still be turned on anyway.

And there are male raping in other movies. Watch Sleepers and Pulp Fiction. Those scenes aren't entertaining either, but they also send strong messages.


I did not see the movie. I did not miss the point, I did not made a point because I can't because I did not saw the movie. I was more concern about the'oh goodie, more female rape' then the film itsef.


The movie also includes murder, just like many others. I don't see you complain about that. Just because it's there, does not mean anyone thinks it's "normal" to do. Same with murder or any other crime. Shove your feminist delusions to some close minded people unable to think rationally for themselves instead. Pretty much like you show in your comment.
