MovieChat Forums > Melancholia (2011) Discussion > Anyone else sick of....

Anyone else sick of....

...great films being ruined by the inanity that seems to infest practially every board on IMDB? 'This worst movie ever!'. That's what depresses me, simpletons with predictable and inane opinions totally incapable of seeing the world through any other view point but here own extremely limited one...


Anyone else sick of your valid opinions being dismissed as inane because the OP believes that there's only one correct way to view this film.

The film actually has a lot of shortcomings - in science fiction and storytelling. I haven't seen a single post that didn't ask a valid question, or put forth a valid opinion of the film, good or bad.

You're the only one here disrupting the boards by trying to suppress meaningful conversation.


Please see my response to riffler - it applies to you.


I think people focus too much on the science in this film. People either see the film the way the director wanted the audience to see it so the scientific reality of the film doesn't concern them...or people can't get past the obvious scientific inaccuracies to see what the film is really about.

Both sides really don't understand how the other side doesn't get it.


...but that's exactly my point. This film is not about the science, it's about something completely different. The science is actually completely inconsequential. That's what I mean, just because you don't have the mental capacity to absorb the point and relate to it doesn't mean the film sucked. Screw the science, this is not a sci-fi movie, go and watch Star Trek for that.

There are very few faults with this film if you understand what is going on, but idiots get on here and go 'oh there were inaccuracies and yadda yadda yadda" who cares? You're obviously nowhere near deep enough to grasp the concepts of the film...or you just need to grow up a bit. I'm sick of it.


I'm perfectly willing to give the film a free pass on the science, and even agree that attacking it primarily on scientific grounds misses the point, but I still don't think this is a good film. I'm not willing to give it a free pass on melodrama and weak character development.


If it truly depresses you then don't read forum post or reviews.
Did you expect to come here and just see glowing comments that are 100 percent aligned with your thoughts

Some people like Rocky, some like this movie. There is no right kind of movie and they are all subjective. Because some people are more intellectual means nothing to those who are not. It is like my 85 year old father in-law who can not understand any comedy in the last 40 years. He just does not understand why people don't think "who's on first" is the greatest thing ever. Just enjoy what you like.


Such childish, kneejerk and overly literal-minded responses may be inevitable in these parts, but I disagree that it ruins the greatness of the movie. If people want to leave meaningless and hyperbolic comments like "WORSTEST MOVIE EVER", then I say let them; it'll, I hope, show everyone a lot more about thier mentality than it will the movie.


Hmmmm yes, I just get sick and tired of simple minded people dragging down the standards of film in general.

The reason Hollywood is so crambed with crap these days is because they are trying to appeal to the majority who get on boards like this and *beep* films that are really well made because something didn't blow up and the film required some level of depth to understand.

Bill Hicks prophecy has come true, the demons have been let loose on earth and are lowering the standards. Why must they be given a forum to spread their inanity? Why? Why? Whyyyyyyy?


That's what the ignore button is for.


...yes but pressing the ignore button is not solving the problem; simpletons commenting on things they don't understand and dragging cinema down to their level. Hollywood sucks now because of these people. We must support those very few films that actually have something to say and don't provide neat Hollywood formula...'real' films.

I'm not saying that every film has to be a masterpiece or that things can't blow up, but can things blow up with good story and character development? The art form is lost; buried under mountains of bimbos, mimbos, plastic people and CGI hell. I yearn...


To further illustrate my point. Has anyone seen that episode of The Simpsons where Homer is on the judging panel for the film festival, and he refuses to budge from voting for the film where the guy gets hit in the groin with a ball? As such, the film that really should win almost doesn't?

That's what I'm talking about...

Every time we allow simpletons to denigrate something great the standards are lowered because Hollywood is only concerned about making money. They are no longer interested in creating a quality product. As time goes by the semi-intelligent beings drop off and stop going to the films which only leaves the simpletons. So the films are pitched at that level and it's a slippery slope from there as we are witnessing. Over time the standards are lowered dramatically. It's the same with the music industry. Average films are praised as brilliant and brilliant films are written off as pretentious and boring.

We currently have a whole generation of young people that have grown up on absolute Hollywood doesn't bode well for the future does it?

I submit it to you all that the greatest problem with the internet is that it has given inanity a voice, and it's rendering the world a horrible *beep* place to live.

Just think about it...


Perspective is funny. You think this is the greatest movie ever made; and keep using "inane" to describe anyone who doesn't agree with your standards. I think this was a waste of film aimed at chronically arty, depressive, movie snobs. I think the good thing about the internet is that it allows for expression of both views. Apparently you would have individuals that agree with your opinion to have a voice; and are determined to get the last word, even when it's obvious from the responses above that most people don't agree with you.


There are plenty of people on this board that support my views on the film.

Anyway, why are you responding? Were you offended that you didn't like the film and I classify you as one of...'them'?

Man, go and watch 'Transformers' or something...plenty of loud noises, CGI and shiny things to keep you interested.


I don't like people who toss out "worst movie ever" or "this is total trash" and then just drop the mic. That doesn't promote a back-and-forth discussion about films, it just antagonizes people.

That said, OP, after reading this entire thread, I have an suggestion for you: Loosen the **** up. The inanity circulating on the internet has made the world a horrible place to live? The "simpletons" and those lacking "the mental capacity" to agree to your interpretation of the film shouldn't be given the same forum to express opinions? Your viewpoint is not universal. And while I'm sorry that Hollywood has not implemented your lofty standards across the industry, I'm betting you'd find these boards, film, and life in general a lot more enjoyable if you just accepted that different people have different opinions and the ability to express them.

There are movies that I think are terrible, for any number of reasons. But I don't take myself seriously enough to pretend that their existence is this scourge on society.

And I might as well throw this in there so I'm not the target of the name-calling that dots your earlier posts: I thought Melancholia was great. "Football in the Groin" was better, of course, but if I owned Melancholia on DVD, it would probably be in my Top 20


I thought Melancholia was great. "Football in the Groin" was better, of course,

Do the P-I-G-E-O-N


what a great response.


A) A truly stimulating piece of art ideally doesn't have to cost anything, anyone can make it. If the economy wants to forsake art, that would be good in my view, because the economy bastardizes everything.

B) Good and smart people have always been the minority, but good and smart films always get made by the people who are willing to make them, people who care more about art than money.

C) For better or worse, we are stuck on a planet with a huge variety of people, many of whom choose to be monsters, choose to be ignorant, and choose to do the wrong thing for a short reward.

D) I was a young person, and I grew up on Hollywood tripe, but I didn't like it as much as the deeper, darker gems that I sought out for myself from the incredibly diverse library of films the world has created over time.

E) The people on these boards are a very small group of people, usually snobs or fanatics.

F) The obvious point: that if true art was taken by the consumer, it would be thrashed. We don't want that. I am glad that a film like "Melancholia", an unabashed art-film with blockbuster production values, gets made. I do not care if it is adored by everyone, or if they sell "Melancholia" posters at Wal-Mart.

G) "Melancholia" is a film about a minority justifying the mass-murder of herself and the majority. Why would the majority of people like this movie? People who are cowards, afraid of pain and punishment and their own inevitable retribution? Humanist films are more popular.

H) If the state of film gets too heavy to bear, the levee will break. Film as an artform is relatively young, there is no shortage of brilliant ideas that have yet to be explored. Some of the most groundbreaking advancement in cinema will be made intently on the cheap, by whoever cares to experiment with the art.


I've already answered this one before. Not bothering again.


How is a "great film...ruined" by a message board? If you enjoy a piece of art, why try and validate the feeling on the internet?


This is no where close to being a great film. Not a good film either. No point to it. A 'Heaven's Gate' result without the expense incurred.

The only saving grace of it was seeing Dunst completely naked, in the moonlight, boobies and all, for a couple of short minutes..


Kind of agree. Lots of haters on this imdb but also lots of valid questions. I think the film is brilliant.



Honestly, WHY does everyone feel it is okay to personally attack people who do not agree with one's thoughts and call them stupid?!?! I am tired of the preschool and thug behaviour in every part of the world, whether on here, in politics, or whatever else. Everyone SHOULD be allowed their own opinions without having themselves and their intelligence diminished . . . enough said.

Devorah Lynne Dishington

In addition, personally, I enjoyed the movie, how it was shot, the story and such, so please do NOT group me in with the 'undesirables' you attack in your comments.


We live in a world dominated by the opinions of idiots...that's why. We live in a world dominated by the philosophy of the Kardashians, Rihanna and Chris Brown, a guy who beats up a woman and still has people defending him, because he’ hot so he can’t woman beating piece of *beep*

There is a reason that China is overtaking the US, because the US if full of freakin' idiots who worship other idiots because “they’re they must be worth listening too and worshipping”.

Who on Earth can honestly tell me that Hollywood is currently producing good quality films? Who?

Music and films suck now...and why? Because idiots keep buying it and hyping it up as if it's "like...the greatest thing eva!". Yet a film that is really trying to say something is "like...the worst movie eva!".

The standard you walk past is the standard you accept. Popular culture has always been the yard stick for the quality of the society we live in. If you think that average films being praised as great and thought provoking/complex films being praised as boring and pretentious is okay, then you really are the idiots I have been talking about.

For the love of humanity go and watch some films from the past (and I’m the way back to the 60’s and stuff), and tell me that what Hollywood is producing now is worth even showing up to let along parting with huge amounts of cash for. They’re treating you like idiots and you just lap it up and keep lining their pockets so they can produce more inanity and take more of your money and dumb down the culture.

