MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > I gotta say, the Whisperers take the pur...

I gotta say, the Whisperers take the purpose of surviving to a whole other level

The show has long made me ponder what the point of surviving even is when there is no *life* to look forward to. What is really the point of living if day after day the best you can hope for is not die in your encounters with the walkers, and as a bonus, maybe not end up with an empty stomach?

Well, the Whisperers make it infinitely more pointless living the way they do.

I wonder if Alpha ever even saw it fit to teach her daughter to read and write. After all, why bother, if they are animals and civilization is dead?


I'm interested to see how it plays out but they do seem too content with just wandering around.


The rhetoric most of the characters throw around is very childish and unintelligent - pretty much anyone with a functioning brain(!) could make a gazillion arguments against pretty much anything they say. Alpha's rhetoric is just the dumbest - how she was able to convince anybody else of her world-view is beyond me.


There is one giant flaw with the Whisperers walking around and among the dead, and that is, they are not covered in undead guts, remember how in the previous seasons if someone needed to walk among they had to be covered from head to toe in guts and blood to cover their smell, now i know the Whisperers probably don't wash themself, but than humans would have their own dirty sent around them, and just a dried up flaky mask from a undead would not keep it smell for long.


This is true and seems to be a major plot hole. The mask shouldn't change anything, they will still smell like humans. As you pointed out zombie guts worked in the past because of the smell, I don't know how well the un-dead see, but when covered in guts, Rick, Glenn, etc. didn't wear masks. Unless the Whisperers really smell like shit, the walkers should pick up on their scent.


Probably takes too long to do the full gutsuits for every episode. It only lasted half a season on FTWD before they ended up just putting some paint on their faces.


Maybe they figured out how to dried it so that the smell remains even if its not as strong its enough to fool the walkers I guess.

Any comics readers care to give a better explanation?


They do it old school like with animal hides, but with human skins. There is stuff on their clothes, either dirt or blood. As long as they stay quiet and have the mask on, they are safe from zombies.
