His delivery seems forced, his accent is awful. I'm guessing there is a reason he hasn't done much besides this show. There is some incredible acting talent on this show, but he wasn't one. I won't miss him.
See, I tried starting diplomatically, then lost it and gave in to the demon...
I think he's great. I didn't even realize he was the dude in Love Actually who was secretly in love with Keira Knightly.
I thought he was American.
Even got to the point of being "angry" because both he and Matthew Rhys, of The Americans, had me fooled into thinking they were American. You hear them talk as themselves and it's this whispy, almost feminine Brittish voice, bordering on "lady-like"...
And they both play these tough American guys.
So I'm a fan....
Again, sorry for the snark... this place... it's hard to discern who's trolling and who isn't.
I really get floored by Andrew Lincoln's acting in TWD. He's incredible at conveying what a father in that world must feel: Very little happiness, or peace. Constant, mounting stress, anxiety, pressure, fear (which manifests as anger), etc.
He is amazing at conveying even just with facial expressions and a look in his eyes....a man on the brink of a nervous breakdown. A man who is walking a very thin line...and one who has crossed it. Yet also....a man trying to temper his emotions and be a measured and rational leader to a group that badly needs it.
When Negan killed Glenn, and then had Carl in his crosshairs.....Rick, for the first time....looked utterly defeated. He was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, had a glassy and scared look in his eyes....all while trying to keep it together enough to bargain for his son's life. He has done some incredible work on this show.
And I could go on and on about the scenes and episodes in which he has taken things to a crazy-amazing gear....and it has been just so cool to watch. For example, when he ripped out the throat of the man who held him at gunpoint while Carl was being attacked. Seasons later....he'd eventually admit to Daryl (and himself)....he has that darkness in him, whether he wants it or not. He came to terms with what he's capable of doing.
Another amazing Rick scene is....right after Carl got shot in the eye, and they got him in off the streets into the house where he could be treated. Rick, in order to buy them some time from the herd outside....grabs an axe and heads out that front door, alone....ready to take his rage out on an entire herd, single-handedly. It was 10 minutes of savage reckoning and father-driven rage that had me absolutely floored.
Andrew Lincoln should have at least one Emmy by now, and I'm shocked that he doesn't. It's a crime and a huge oversight.
I really respect and accept your apology,and I certainly didn't mean to dump on someone you are such a fan of. I'm quickly seeing I'm in the minority on my view. Maybe it's his style? I personally think the woman are the acting strength for the most part, but Hershel and the Governor stand out as strong male performances. Glenn too. I'm genuinely surprised to see not one person agree with me about Lincoln, and it leads me to think it's just me.
It isn't really fair to judge him or anyone else by TWD. In Lincoln's case, he's a VERY English Englishman who, in being cast as Rick, is basically John Wayne as Genghis Khan--utterly miscast. Listen to him speak with his regular voice and accent and think about how hard it would be for him just to do that part of the role and then have to try to act through that. And, of course, as with everyone else on TWD, the writers give him absolutely nothing with which to work. They've never given him anything. TWD is a show that has chewed up and spit out several great actors, sticking them in sh!tty, thankless roles.
Totally agree. Lincoln's other work is pretty damn excellent. Nobody comes off well on this show cause of the writers. I'm sure Lincoln is pretty stoked to be able take other work now.
I disagree. I think Andrew Lincoln came off VERY well on TWD. Likewise several other actors, including Scott Wilson (Hershel). He was fantastic.
Ultimately, nobody is expecting Shakespeare-like performances when they watch a TV show about zombies. However, the actors and the stories have elevated the show from just another ZA gore-fest....to more of a modern-day western. Even the most winey viewers will admit...the first few seasons were awesome. I'd argue....the show is still pretty great. It would be impossible to hit the bar that was raised in the first few seasons....consistently over 9 seasons. But I've enjoyed every season, and am still compelled to follow the show.
Rick spends most of the series just wandering around and staring into the distance looking lost and confused. Sometimes he'll do that while angry or crying. That's the whole character.
That's like saying: "All Steve MaQueen did in Papillion was look starved and miserable."
Besides.....Rick's world is a Zombie....Apocalypse. He's not going to run a range of emotions from giddy to coy.....crabby to flamboyant.
He's a man on the verge of a nervous breakdown.....trying to keep it together, for his family....and the group he feels responsible for protecting. He plays that part....perfectly. The part doesn't CALL for emotions outside a limited range. He'd be a bad actor if he DIDN'T play Rick the way he did. A character in Rick's situation....would behave very similarly to that!
It's like when people call someone like Clint Eastwood "wooden".....after one of his performances in a western. They just don't get it. That's not Clint being "wooden" or acting poorly.....it's him absolutely nailing the way that character needed to be. Was Tom Hardy "wooden" in Mad Max? He only said about 50 words in the whole movie. Yet...he was awesome...in that role.
When Rick has a moment of happiness, or connects with someone....you see his whole demeanor change. You can see it in his eyes. He emotes extremely well. And when he's broken, or straight-up scared....he conveys it so well you can feel your body tighten-up. And when he kicks into warrior gear.....you FEEL that intensity he gives of, like the heat from a fire. He can break into a flop-sweat in the middle of a situation. His eyes glass-over when he's on the verge of collapse.
I can't think of anyone that could have done what he did in that role.
To say: "Rick spends most of the series just wandering around and staring into the distance looking lost and confused. Sometimes he'll do that while angry or crying. That's the whole character."
Honestly you're best not wasting your time with these posters. All of them are the exact same with their anti TWD mantra and it has been like this forever between here and IMDB (If you ever posted there you'd know exactly what I'm talking about). I was hoping when the IMDB message boards shut down we'd get more quality posts here but sadly its no different. Its just a bunch of negative posters who never find good in anything when it comes to this show.
Michael Rooker (who should have been cast as Rick) was able to take Merle, who was, on paper, arguably the worst-written characters in the entire run of the show, and turn him into someone viewers at least looked forward to seeing. That was all Rooker; the writers weren't giving him anything. Xander Berkeley, another rock-solid actor, did his best with Gregory but again, when it comes to the writing, there's just nothing there. That's the best of what one gets from TWD--talented actors doing their best to make something out of nothing.
Terrible? I didn't think anyone could find his acting in twd bad. He may just be the best actor on the show, imo. I think back in season 3, the episode in which he freaked out after learning of Lori's death, was possibly the best acting on the show. Also he is not your typical tough guy. I don't think he is used to playing this kind of role, so the fact that he is able to range from this kind and compassionate leader, passing through his moments of craziness, all the way to full badass mode, shows he's a good actor.
You see, while I love Jon Bernthal and definitely think he's got talent, I also think that he is very limited in the sense that he so far has only played tough guys. Also he doesn't seem to be able to lose some of his mannerisms, yet he is getting loads of work. Why? I don't know.
Give Andrew Lincoln an Emmy, already!
He gets snubbed, simply because the show he's on (or was on) is a "zombie" show.....(which does not do it justice).
It's more of a modern-day western. And Andrew Lincoln puts on an acting clinic. He elevated the whole show.
He's in FURY... pos asshole that you'd hate to have on your tank crew, but totally WOULD have on your tnk crew.... and would probably save your life thru something he taught you, or through actually pulling you out of a fire.
As Shane, he was both a hero, and a foil... like in Mo Better Blues.... BOTH Denzel Washington's character and Wesley Snipes' character were good and bad.... you could root for and against them, they were painted so perfectly, but what you cannot do is say: THEY SUCK!
This is why Bernthal keeps acting.... he's good and he conveys that which someone like Luke Perry, Jason Priestly, TOM CRUISE, cannot.
It's great to be me, and I certainly am not so bitter that I'd shit on someone for not caring for a particular actor like you just did. It actually sounds like it sucks to be you.
I'm not American so I never noticed if his accent was bad. I did however take a while to link him as also being in Love Actually despite having seen that film a few times. So I would say he is doing something right. A lot of actors play pretty much every part the same way despite what that role is.
When TWD began, Lincoln's was the 2nd-most-embarrassing American Southern accent on television. The prize was taken by Kyra Sedgwick's accent on THE CLOSER, which was screamingly hilarious. After that show ended, it's been Lincoln all the way.