On board with the first 90% of the episode, but that last segment... Ugh.
Was expecting Daryl to look for Rick to free him.
So Rick just disappears forever apparently? And Anne/Jadis too? And on a helicopter that's still not really explained? The only good thing about this is it leaves the door open for him to return. Hope he does at some point, but it'll pretty much have to be the last episode, or it'd not make sense for him to return just for one. And he needs to, or the open ending won't have much pay-off.
Especially after the whole episode made it feel like he was dying for sure. And what will the others think happened to Anne?
Cried like a baby the whole Hershel scene.
You can tell it's TV and goes by available casting, Carl, Lori, many others would make more sense for him to envision than Sasha, or even Hershel and Shane.
Another time jump? Oye. During which no main characters die. Or Morgan ever returns.
I won't because I'm a completionist, but tonight is probably the closest I've ever been to jumping ship.