MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > So we're getting Walking Dead movies

So we're getting Walking Dead movies

Scott Gimple just announced it on Talking Dead, they're gonna make AMC original movies, and Rick's story is gonna continue apparently in those movies and we're gonna get other movies that bring back dead characters and show us their backstories before they was on Walking Dead.

I dunno about anyone else but this really excites me, just think we could get a Governor movie showing us his journey to becoming The Governor in Walking Dead. Theres all kinds of possibilities with this.


Sounds to me like they're trying to milk a dead (or dying) cow. Maybe I'm in the minority.


Maybe, but it does get me really interested at the thought of bringing back past characters that died in the show and giving us their backstories. As i said i'd love to get a Governor movie, or a movie with Merle and Daryl before they found Rick's group, i dunno the possibility of those things gets me really excited about it.


That sounds better than what we have now. Anyways, I'm just really glad that they didn't kill Rick.


So am i, was so relieved when Jadis saw Rick and the helicopter picked him up, i'm just dying to know where Rick ends up and what goes on wherever Jadis and the helicopter took him, the wait on those movies is gonna kill me.


Yeah. haha.


Are you sure Jadis was picked up? if I recall, we only saw Rick at the end.


Yeah we clearly saw her in the helicopter with Rick talking to him.


Call me a skeptic, but I bet these movies will be on an AMC Premium station that you'll have to pay more money to watch.


I highly doubt that, they know the ratings aren't so great for Walking Dead as it is, i doubt they'll wanna take a chance on people paying to watch it.


Walking Dead will still be on regular AMC. I think those movies with Rich Grimes and dead characters' prequels will be premium.


Yeah i know the show would still be on regular AMC, but what makes them think people would pay to watch spin off movies on a premium channel if people aren't tuning in to watch the main show they're connected to?

I just don't see them doing that, if the ratings was through the roof on Walking Dead i could see it, but they're at an all time low, so i don't see them doing that.


Hopefully not since I won't pay.

AMC makes odd decisions. Ratings drop for Walking Dead and Fear but they plan to give us more. Go figure? I don't mind seeing Rick in a TV movie though.


Are we all pretending torrents don't exist? I haven't paid for digital content in 15 years.


I have basic extended cable mainly for the other members of the house..
But, yeah...I do not watch most things the "regular" way.


I know people who don't know how to get torrents and never will. Too technical for them, I guess.
