MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Starting over. Ya know, back when it was...

Starting over. Ya know, back when it was a good show.

They kinda lost me somewhere it season 6, but until then it was my favorite show. I have no idea what the hell is going on now, and I don't really care. Anyone else have a nostalgic feeling for the earlier seasons?


back when they had a 2-legged Hershel


It was literally good for one season. Before the retards running AMC fired Darabont, cut the budget in half, and doubled the number of episodes per season out of greed.




this. the first season was by far the best and it went all downhill after Darabont left.


I just read some Darabont emails and can understand why he was fired. He sounds like a major prima donna. I don't think anyone's hired him since Walking Dead?


Yikes, I never knew about those. Saying he wants to kill and smash colleagues with bricks (what the hell?), and wondering if others have had strokes just because it wasn't up to his standards....that is not the way anyone should be acting. Severe disappointments are fine, but there are better ways to convey things.

While I liked some of Durabont's films (and loved Shawshank, as many do), I never understood why people held him up as the charmed genius behind this show -as if he was TWD's Kubrick. Maybe his direction would've been better, but maybe not. There's a lot of 'maybes' involved here.

The Mist was semi-enjoyable (and that's where many of the TWD actors came from too), but it was also schlocky as hell in many areas, and just a hair above SyFy territory.


Yeah, it's a damn shame. Darabont had some awesome ideas for the series. It's a shame that we only got one good season and around 3 to 4 decent episodes after that... and 3 to 4 decent episodes is pretty terrible for a show that's been on for nine seasons.


It'll never be what it has lost its best characters and haven't filled the void with anyone that can fill their shoes... and then the writing in s7 & 8 was just terrible too.
These are not good combinations.
Yeah..I do miss those days but now it's just turning into a different show. The writing this season has been better but I'm not sure what characters I'll be able to invest in after Rick leaves. I don't know if I'll still be able to care.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't Carol and Daryl be the only two left of the original 1st season cast?


That's right..Daryl and Carol are it..
Everyone else is either dead...or soon will be.

Maggie is the next longest and she came along season 2.
Who else?
Eugene, Tara and Rosita came S4 but I've still yet to care that much about them and it has been 4 seasons.
The best of them was Abraham. Too bad losing him on top of Glenn..a major loss.




I've always loved and preferred seasons 1-5. Afterwards I lost interest and especially now. I only tuned into to see flashbacks and memories and apparently Rick not dying, was shifted. I'm glad he didn't because then it would've been another (main) character from the earlier seasons dying.

Just not the same anymore really.
