what was the point of wasting all that ammo on the building?
Am I missing something?..
I was asking the exact same thing! Why didn't they just shoot Negan, instead of all the talk talk talk when he was on the balcony? They had a clear shot many times, Negan and Gregory and all the other lieutenants. Instead they talk until everyone is bored, ( they KNEW that none of the Saviours would take the stupid deal so what was even the point?) then Rick shoots a goddamn machine gun over their heads and he does not hit a single person. FFS. 50 rounds a second and he misses EVERY target. Is he blind?
And then they just waste a fuckton of ammo shooting out windows. What is the damn point?
I actually was mad at this episode.
Why didn't they shoot Negan?
Why did Gabriel try to save Gregory? He's a piece of shit. let him die!
It's things like these that make me wonder who the F is writing this. They are in a friggin' apocalypse, bullets aren't easy to come by, and they waste what must have been several thousand bullets on a building??
Eugene found a machine shop to make bullets and Rick has the gunpowder recipe. As long as the saviors are trapped inside the sanctuary, Rick's group can use it.
shareYes, I remember, but that doesn't justify shooting at nothing. They didn't hit a single Savior in the process.
And you must realize that *materials* to make bullets in an apocalypse aren't easy to come by either, right?..
shareThe writers think that having the characters firing guns equates to exciting action.
shareThey used the walker herd to start a siege on the sanctuary and shot out the glass windows so the zombie noise would stress out the people inside.
shareRight, that's why it made so much sense to shoot out all the windows beyond the ground floor. [facepalm]
It's a factory, they can see the windows from the ground on the inside, if they are broken they can hear what's going on outside. Also has been established for a long time that breaking glass attracts zombies.
share"Also has been established for a long time that breaking glass attracts zombies."
Seriously, do you have any idea how idiotic this sounds? Riiiiiiiight, breaking glass would attract zombies much more effectively than a few thousand gunshots...
Yeah, overall their plan seemed very well plotted and organized....it seemed like the type of plan that could deal a big blow and knock out a lot of their numbers and make things more even.
I also thought, he is right there......60-70 feet away, why don't they all just open up fire on him instead of talking.....why are they just shooting 1,000 holes in the building and priest why the heck are you trying to rescue that guy....he's the enemy, just leave him and drive off.
Other than those things the plan seemed pretty logical and good.
The goal was to bring down their numbers b/c as Negan pointed out, Rick knows he outnumbers them. They shot out all the windows, damaged the bldg itself, and led in a bunch of walkers to kill a lot of the Saviors. It was a decent plan.
I agree that Negan should have just been shot, but I guess the thought was that if they did that, Negan's people would just retaliate and hunt them all down.
Can walkers fly or something? Is there something I am not aware of?..
And we didn't see a single Savior getting killed - in fact, for all we know, the building was empty.
I'm talking about all the people in the bldg. We know that bldg is full of people. We saw that last year. So, they knocked out the windows, knocked out some of the structure, and then led in a bunch of walkers to take out as many Saviors - the ppl in the bldg - as they could.
Of course, Negan and the main Saviors we've been seeing weren't killed. It's the start of the season and the start of this war. I'm sure all of you would be yelling and angry if they had taken out Negan last night.
Honestly, I don't understand most WD fans that post on these boards. Most of you seem to hate everything about this show. I'm sticking around as long as I'm entertained. The moment I no longer find the show entertaining, I'll drop it. That hasn't happened for me yet. I was entertained last night and hope to be entertained for the rest of the season!
Well said, carjones.
Plus, they ask questions they fully know the answers to.
"Why didn't they just shoot him then and there?!"
Answer: Because they'd rather draw out the Negan arc instead of just having him get shot in the first new episode of the season. (But I think people already understand that)
I know, right? Of course Negan didn't die last night. I'm not sure why anyone would think he would have. I haven't read any interviews, but I assume this war is dragging out until at least the mid-season finale if not the season finale! If Negan dies, it won't happen until around that time b/c that's how TV shows go.
When I was on Twitter last night, some ppl kept tweeting about them "missing" all the targets. I was like, "huh?" It is OBVIOUS they weren't trying to shoot anyone so the remarks were just lame. I could understand tweeting, "What is the plan" or "What are they doing" but just sarcastic remarks about them not hitting anyone when they were CLEARLY not trying was just weird. LOL!
But, Rick was trying to kill Negan and Gabriel stopped him.
I have no problem with dragging out the Negan war but they shouldn't have him standing in front of the building since a normal person would've shot him.
That is a valid point! I cannot disagree w/you there.
I feel like there are a lot of layers to their plan, which seemed to be why Gabriel stopped Rick. He seemed to indicate that now was not the time for Rick to potentially sacrifice himself in an attempt to kill Negan. We'll have to see how it all plays out.
When writing depends on the viewer to ignore the stupidity of its characters, then it's bad writing. For some reason, Hollywood thinks it's acceptable.
I hope it plays out much smarter in future episodes or I'm going to bail.
Again, it doesn't seem like the plan was to immediately shoot Negan When an opportunity presented itself, Rick did take it, but he couldn't get a good shot since Negan was hiding. Gabriel then persuaded Rick to leave b/c the Walker horde was getting closer. It wasn't that annoying to me.
shareIf you want some more insight into their plan, it is in issue #115 and #116 of the comics. There are slight deviations, and the characters doing/saying things in the comics are sometimes different on the TV show.
shareI don't see how they could have killed anyone by shooting out the windows. It's very easy to hide from that.
The fact that you are trying to justify this illogic says something about you rather than the rest of the TWD fans.
And btw, as a *fan*, I would have LIKED for my intelligence not to be insulted by the writers multiple times throughout the episode, but apparently no such luck.
Oh my goodness. They were NOT TRYING to shoot ppl through the windows! Do you honestly think that's what they were trying to do? Do you really believe that? At the end, was it not clear to you?
I explained the plan. If you still don't get it, I don't know what else to say. Happy viewing!
You are just writing nonsense.
If the goal was to shoot out the windows so that the walkers could get into the building, then there was really no reason to waste ammo on anything beyond the ground floor, yet they made sure to get ALL the windows for some reason.
I am just wondering what it is that you are even arguing about?? Something that was made such a point of in the episode is hard to deny.
Dude, I'm not arguing w/you. I said, "Happy Viewing," and I'm leaving it at that.
Happy viewing to you. Have fun watching the show or don't. I don't care :-)
How ironic to say you are not arguing when that's what you've been doing all along.
But whatever, I have better things to do also, than keep responding to an apologist.
Whatever. I was actually responding to your question w/my genuine opinion. You then asked me a follow up question. In my world, that's a dialogue, not an argument. If anyone started the "argument," it was you with your snarky response about "flying walkers." LOL!
It doesn't make any sense that Rick would later concentrate his focus on killing Negan when he had all the opportunity in the world to kill him before then. It also doesn't make sense that Negan and his lieutenants would expose themselves so blatantly to a group of people that want their heads.
There he is; shoot him! What did they hope to learn by letting him speak?
Now, we all know that they're not going to kill Negan off right then and there, but it's insulting to write the scene the way that it was written. If I was writing the scene, I know that if I wanted Negan and his troops to expose themselves - to have a "my dick is bigger than yours" speech - , my first instinct would tell me that they're going to get shot, and at least two or three of them are going to die. Too many guns are simply pointed in their direction, and I refuse to believe that they're all terrible shots.
If I had written the scene, I would have used a speaker system to relay Negan's message - You can't shoot what you can't see. If you're going to expose anyone, Gregory makes sense, and I would have had him shot after he presented his ultimatum - What good is his scare tactic if he's dead, and you already have a better person to take on the role? He already sold out the community to the Saviors, and wouldn't have had a friend in the world if he managed to escape alive.
Basically, Gregory's usefulness to anybody has expired, and he was obviously kept alive to create another "dramatic" scene in the future. If it were up to me, there's no way Gregory would have survived the scene, and I would have used some other character to create whatever future drama Gregory "had" to implement. I simply can't logically see Gregory returning to the Hilltop and creating any kind of believable drama before he's either shot, constrained, or exiled. The Hilltop had already collectively agreed to their course of action, and it won't be long before Jesus and Maggie show up to out him.
Well, Rick and his group are supposed to be "noble", they can't just kill people without first giving them a chance at redemption. Supposedly.
And you are right, Gregory would be a persona non grata now at any of these communities, not even just the Hilltop.
Noble is fine...if you're dealing with someone other than Negan. The situation isn't unlike what happened with Gareth - Now that we know what he's all about, we gotta put him down before he victimizes others.
It was clear in the dialogue exchange between Negan and Rick that Rick does not harbor any intentions of keeping Negan alive. If the dialogue is to be believed, what Negan says doesn't make a difference. Realistically, Negan would have been shot, and the rest would have been given their ultimatum afterwards.
As it is, we practically have two men that don't REALLY want to kill each other, and would rather troll each other at the expense of anyone under their leadership. It makes me wonder if Rick would have been angered if anyone else from his group took the initiative and shot him dead. This is Robot Chicken material. The scene is so unbelievable that you'd think he missed on purpose, and everyone in his group was cool with it. Hehe...I know that if I had been there, I would have been like "dude, did you miss on purpose?...aren't you a cop?"
Yes, Rick would be mad if someone else shot Negan and they really don't want to kill each other.
shareTotally agree, that would have been way better!
shareMost worrying is that Gabriel is likely captured now so next week will have loads of overacting from Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I expect a full episode of nothing but bending his back and acting all scary.
shareI can't stand that over-acting nonsense from JDM! It's insufferable. If people think it's cool , so be it. But I can't stand him.
shareEXACTLY!!!!BOY I WAS FUMING MAD!! Yes, they made a statement, but at what damn cost? smh
and what was with Rick taking a Polaroid camera shot at Negan?