MovieChat Forums > Haven (2010) Discussion > I only watch for Duke (Eric Balfour)... ...

I only watch for Duke (Eric Balfour)... he is so manly....

Funny, so many posters seem to hate him. Why?


He's fine. I think people just don't want him to hookup with Audrey.

I watch for Audrey and Dwight. But I do like the scenes with Duke and Nathan.


Because he's a terribly bad actor. lol I like a lot of the actors who make the characters, I find he doesn't. Vince and Dave are favourites. Nathan is great, I love Lucas Bryant's understated humour. Gloria is a hoot. Emily Rose was good with the different roles she's played on Haven (well maybe not Mara, but that was more the way the character was written). Some good actors have come and gone on the show. Some bad ones too, but they weren't major characters.


Because he's a terribly bad actor

He is the worst actor in all the shows I'm watching at the moment. Seriously I see him in some casting list in the future and that's one show I'll make sure I don't give a chance.


He is the worst actors of all the shows I'm Watching at the moment

You must not be watching Supergirl and nobody is as bad as the cast of Bitten.


​Thank goodness that "agent" knocked Duke out just before he was about to ham it up. I've felt the same urge when his scenes come up!


It's understandable. He IS terrible. Shame I was watching that episode live because usually I'm able to fast forward all his scenes.


At least we know Duke was only in it for a few minutes, a couple times, just to move Nathan's plot along for once! I think it was really brilliant of Nathan to task the boy Duke had bullied as a child, with delivering his message from the past on a particular day. The fact that the young man's employees decided to tackle and then punch Duke was their choice, since they didn't remember Nathan or the reason why they were following what's his face. Not Nathan's doing, but provided a little vindication for Saul. I'm good with that.


I think the problem for some of the folks on here is they forget it's a TV show and they aren't real people. Just look through this thread, someone has typed a 5000 word essay about it, and it's every bit as cringe inducing as you would expect, complete with a few tag alongs nodding their heads.


So what you are saying is you only watch for Eric Balfour "because he is so manly"? To me that is what's cringe inducing not someone listing their reasons for not liking a douchey d-list actor or his lame jack of all trades character.


Nah, what I'm saying is I simply watch the TV show and don't get myself wrapped up in the characters and start acting like I've got some personal relationship with them. The comment I'm talking about is crossing the line between talking about the characters as if they have free will to do as they please and we are simply watching real life playing out in some sort of reality show, they are actors doing what the script tells them to do.


Gotcha. Both actors and scripted characters can suck though and it's valid to have an opinion on that.


Eric is a really good actor and I like the character Duke. I think Lucas is a really good actor, but I don't like his character, The only time I liked Nathan is when he was having difficulties with Duke. He and Parker made a boring couple. I was sick of them as a couple by season three.

Really don't understand the hate as these are fictional characters, which makes it kind insane!

