MovieChat Forums > A Star Is Born (2018) Discussion > How'd Jack know the lyrics to Shallow?

How'd Jack know the lyrics to Shallow?

Ally just brought it up that she wrote it when they was outside the supermarket and she sung a few of the lyrics to him, but how'd he suddenly know all the lyrics and the exact cords on the guitar for it? Maybe i'm an idiot and am forgetting something.


Wondered about that too. It did appear that they were together from the market scene until daylight, so I had to accept the idea that they went over it through the night.


I guess, it just seems odd he knows all the cues to it and the guitar cords when Ally had said she hadn't even finished the song yet the night before, cause she said she just started writing this song.


Should have put "accept" in quote marks. As in "sometimes I 'accept' sloppy writing". ;)
Pretty good movie all in all - some sloppy storytelling and the rushed ending were made more acceptable because of what I considered very good performances. My biggest gripes were the aforementioned rushed ending, the horrendous pop debasement of his lovely song in her histrionic final tribute to him (though that may well have been intentional to show the shallowness of her new marketed direction), and the fact that Jackson appeared to have not washed his hair since he left the family ranch. That was quite grotesque.


Well i just watched this again and realized Ally's dad asks her "Did you write this song with him?" and she said yeah, while they was watching him and her sing Shallow on youtube. So i guess Jack helped her finish the song while they was together that night.


He read the script ahead of time. ;-)


I felt like I needed to watch the film again after seeing this question.
I had thought it was obvious.

My impression was that it was just a song Ally was working on...just a few notes and a few lines... and she and Jack figured out together how to finish it that night in the parking lot.
So, yeah..he knew because he was writing part of it.


I'm going out on a limb here and will guess that a talented musician could find some acceptable chords in the right key, sort of a fake his way through an informal performance, and duet along with another singer. I think people who are good at music and are comfortable with another person could do this. Haven't seen the movie so I'm just guessing.


He straight up says he "did an arrangement, it's not so great but maybe you can stick with it" in the movie, right before the performance. I guess all these people here were paying no attention whatsoever.


This is the correct answer


That’s what I caught, too. He finished it on his own for her.


He remembered the chorus and made up the first verse.


I don't know if theres much point in this topic remaining, as i said guys i went back and watched it again and i heard her dad ask her "Did you write this song with him?" and she said yeah so mystery solved guys, she and Jack finished the song together that first night they was together.


No, they didn't, as in they didn't do more work than we saw. They did work on it together, as in she wrote the lyrics (she sung the first verse and the chorus when they were together), and he wrote the arrangement afterwards (he literally says this) in preparation to surprise her at the concert. Read my other post, and watch the movie?

Seriously, some of these posts blow my mind - is everyone fiddling around with their phones while watching movies now?


they was?


He mentions that he "did an arrangement, it's not so great but maybe you can just stick with it". Then he proceeds to start singing the lyrics she had the night before, and she does most of the singing afterwards.
