Is this movie secretly about Gender Abolition?
Haven't seen it yet but everything I've read and heard about the plot confirms it.
Barbie lives in a world run by women and the Ken are miserable. When they leave its the opposite. Ken is in a world run by men and Barbie is miserable.
This highlights how ridiculous both sides are. Mgtow neckbeards and screeching feminists. Regardless of who's in charge it's ultimately miserable for the other side and ultimately the same outcome. Meanwhile both the Barbies and Ken are collectively portrayed as stupid caricatures of Masculinity and Feminity. Because there just that. Symbols of that.
The ending from what I know is Barbie and Ken deciding that she shouldn't define herself by her femininity alone and he shouldn't define himself on wanting her. A complete rejection of both Masculinity and Feminity.
Boys will laugh at how ridiculously stupid Ken's idea of Masculinity is (dressing as a cowboy and waltzing into a doctors office) and this will make them question why these roles are defined that way
Girls will see Barbie question the fabric of the pretty pink fantasy they have and come to acknowledge the limits of that fantasy. It could cause a massive shift in how children view gender roles.
I don't speak lightly when I say this could be the most important film for the coming decades.