MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > It's hilarious to see grown men crying o...

It's hilarious to see grown men crying over a doll movie

Lol, conservative men are so weak and pathetic.


It's not just conservatives or just men that are objecting to the anti-male messages in the film. Some women and progressive/liberals have raised the same concerns. If a film portrayed women the way Barbie portrays men and had a sexist, woman bashing message, men and women would rightly object. Would you call them weak and pathetic if they objected to sexist messages against women?


Some women and progressive/liberals have raised the same concerns.



Read reviews on Letterboxd and on other web sites. There are women who have criticised the movie for being anti-male. I'm a male, but not a conservative and I had objections to some elements of the film.


I've read some of the negative reviews on Letterboxd. I haven't personally encountered any criticising the film for being 'anti-male' from a liberal/progressive viewpoint. But I'll take your word for it. I'm quite sure a range of opinions will be out there in the aether.




Hey, but I hear one of their BIG & TOUGH (lib destroying!) heroes absolutely DESTROYED this Barbie film, especially after he was “forced” to go see it. Ya know, big ol’ Ben shampiro who yells at woke (and is totally not salty at all) like many many on here do. 🤣

But lol, typical projecting reactionary bigly bois. Go wOkE gO… that’s nice, totally non-salty bros.


Does amazon sell a translator so normal people can understand what the hell you've written here?


Truth is, this movie is another example of both progressives and liberals having already formed their opinions and having decided its a good/bad movie BEFORE having seen it or DESPITE having seen it.

Everyone I know who has seen it has used it as a confirmation bias towards their side, and I doubt that many or any liberals disliked (or admit to disliking) it based off of its own merits, likewise I doubt many or any conservative will come out having enjoyed it (or admit to enjoyment) on its own merits.


There really are grown men crying over this movie? Where can I see them in tears?


Roses are red, violets are blue, barbie is a pinko, and so are you.


Is that what they're "crying" about?


I thought men were accused of being toxic by not crying enough. Now weak equals pathetic? Which is it? I can't keep up anymore.
