MovieChat Forums > The Host (2013) Discussion > Violence Against Women? Melanie hit mul...

Violence Against Women? Melanie hit multiple times??

I found this film to be morally irresponsible in relation to violence against women and girls. In fact, it disgusted me.

Melanie/Wanda is punched in the face:

1) In the desert by a man

2) In the desert by an old woman (then Mel is blindfolded which looks terrible)

3) In the cave she is punched and knocked unconscious by a man

4) In the cave by a man who tries to kill her

I found the violence against this female character was sickening and SO over-the-top.

Shame on the filmmakers for allowing this to occur in their film. Too much violence against women in the world-- it shouldn't be happening in Hollywood films, too.


speaking as a feminist, violence against women isn't any worse than violence against men, in general.
It ENTIRELY depends though on the REASONS for the violence - if I'm a woman attacking a child with a knife and a guy comes up and knocks me out he is justified. If he tried to hit me for talking back to him, or calls me a bitch for ignoring his catcalls on the street (which happens way too often - shouldn't happen at all) then he's unjustified.
Unnecessary violence is a huge issue in the world but I don't think this movie will make it any worse.


actually she punshed/headbutt first and I don't see any complaint about that do you?

btw I am all for equality that why I let the female staff work longer so the can earn the same as the men

Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English


The OP doesn't even mention her getting hit by the guy who claims to love and miss her.


And hitting the amount of males made in this movie including brutal murder is ok as long as they are not females right? How are females special?

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Idiot. They were hitting an alien invader.


As most posters already wrote she was seen as an alien invader/body snatcher not as a woman. Now, what I found silly is this comment

Too much violence against women in the world-- it shouldn't be happening in Hollywood films, too.
Hmmmm really?
Esta es mi firma


Are you suggesting that violence should never be inflicted on women? Isn't that kind of sexist?



Well it is an apocalypse and an invasion so don't expect for those rules and stuff to be followed by the humans and Wanderer which is an alien and her species is the enemy of the humans is inside Melanie a human which results humans to beat her up
