Why all the hate?

Can you people hop off the bandwagon long enough to give this movie a chance? Just because you hate Twilight (a major bandwagon) you haven't given this movie a fair shot. I watched it today and have to say, it was way better than I thought it'd be! It is probably one of the best book to movie adaptions I have ever seen, though it has been a while since I read the book.

Seriously though, not everything from Stephanie Meyer is horrible. This proves it.


First of all, the film get way more criticism then it deserves. This has to do with the fact that it's a Stephanie Meyer based movie. The situation is comparable to the Prometheus situation, which get way to much hate then it deserves, as it's a very good movie.

I really liked The Host, both the book and the movie. When I heard Andrew Niccol was writing and directing, I knew the general public wasn't going to like it. I love Andrew Niccol's work, he's one of my favorite filmmakers. But his style is too poetic and artistic for the type of audience that The Host would attract. Add this to the fact that it's Stephanie Meyer-related, and you get what we have now.

It's a very well done movie. But definitely not for Stephanie Meyer's audience.

I wish Philip K. Dick had written Lord of Light


I love Andrew Niccol's work, he's one of my favorite filmmakers. But his style is too poetic

Hmmm, I never thought of it that way.


It's a very well done movie. But definitely not for Stephanie Meyer's audience.

I can't really agree.
I don't personally know people who fits into the "Stephanie Meyer's audience", but I do know people (as myself) who did not like the Twilight book saga, but did enjoy The Host novel. And this movie make no justice to the book.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language IMDb = Catch-22


I like seeing how many idiots dislike a movie yet make an effort to find forums used specifically for the movie so they can cry about it.

Don't like it? Don't watch it.


The thing the haters don't realize is that they too are just as responsible for spreading word of mouth, and by their increased numbers push it to heights it might not have reached without them. Yes, they are a major pain, but they are just as much to blame for its popularity as the fans.

Let's take all of the haters out of the equation. Let's subtract the money they put into the franchise. Let's cut out the fans who got word of mouth from the haters, and the money they brought in. How many fans does that leave? How much money did they bring into the franchise, versus how much money was cut?

Fans and haters bring in more fans and haters. The more fans and haters there are, the more popular it becomes. So, as much as the haters get on my nerves, they really were necessary for the frenzy that ensued. They want to go to boards and spew their disapproval on the franchise, blaming the fans for the popularity ... yet it is their added contribution that is really to blame. For that, we fans should be grateful.




There's far too much polarisation on IMDB.

I said one film was indifferent, i.e. I didn't love nor hate it, and got pounced on by all the fans. Obviously non-haters are confusing to them.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


by nephihaha

» (Mon Mar 3 2014 10:54:37)

There's far too much polarisation on IMDB.

I said one film was indifferent, i.e. I didn't love nor hate it, and got pounced on by all the fans. Obviously non-haters are confusing to them.

I take it you have another account in this conversation? Because this is nephihaha's first comment, that I could find. And my comment about haters was directed at HumperPecker's comment.

I see you started this thread:

by nephihaha
» Thu Jan 9 2014 10:45:26

I really doubt that thread started this one:

by MovieLuxe
» Mon Jun 3 2013 22:59:37

This board gets a lot of haters, so this thread most likely didn't have any one 'hater' in mind. And since, as you say, you're a 'non-hater,' this thread isn't about you at all.

But since I don't know what other accounts you may have, or if any of them are in this thread, I an completely lost as to what you're going on about. Please explain further.




This board gets a lot of haters, so this thread most likely didn't have any one 'hater' in mind. And since, as you say, you're a 'non-hater,' this thread isn't about you at all.
I don't think nephihaha was talking about this board, he/she was merely relating an experience of polarization from another board. There are other movies than The Host, you know.

In other words, nephihaha's post wasn't specifically about The Host-fans.

Just saying.

Something Happens - "Parachute"


by yurenchu

» 8 (Fri Mar 7 2014 06:44:08)

This board gets a lot of haters, so this thread most likely didn't have any one 'hater' in mind. And since, as you say, you're a 'non-hater,' this thread isn't about you at all.

I don't think nephihaha was talking about this board, he/she was merely relating an experience of polarization from another board. There are other movies than The Host, you know.

In other words, nephihaha's post wasn't specifically about The Host-fans.

Just saying.

Then nephihaha should have added their comment on that other board, or replied to the OP instead of me. Yes, there are other movie boards, but this board is about 'The Host.' Therefore, unless specifically made clear that the comment deals with other movie fandoms, it is assumed that the comment deals with 'The Host.'




Then nephihaha should have added their comment on that other board, or replied to the OP instead of me. Yes, there are other movie boards, but this board is about 'The Host.' Therefore, unless specifically made clear that the comment deals with other movie fandoms, it is assumed that the comment deals with 'The Host.'
Relax, I don't see anything offensive in nephihaha's post, or any attack directed at you or anyone on this board. I see it merely as a remark expanding on the topic of "haters" and/or polarization in general, just as that post of yours (that nephihaha was replying to) seems to be written to be applicable to the phenomenon of haters, polarization and franchises in general too. Nephihaha's post was on-topic and appropriately posted.

Something Happens - "Parachute"


The reply to my comment made no sense. I was trying to find out which post they were actually referring to. It wasn't made clear to me what they were going on about. I asked if they had another username in the conversation to try and make sense of their comment. When someone replies to my post, and it doesn't apply to my post, then I do have the right to get clarification.

I don't see the need to make more out of this then there really is.




I don't think it was a specific reply to the content in your post, it was merely a poster chiming in on the ongoing discussion with a reaction that was somehow invoked into that poster after reading your post. HumperPecker made an observation regarding haters in general, then you reacted with an observation about fans and haters and their increasing numbers, and so nephihaha reacted with an observation regarding fans, haters and polarization in general. That's all there really is to it.

The first line of nephihaha's post ("There's far too much polarisation on IMDB. ") clues us in that he/she is talking about the whole of IMDb in general, not specifically this board. The opening of the second line ("I said one film was indifferent,...") clues us in that he/she is relating to an event regarding a non-specified film. In other words, by not specifying the film, the poster is saying: it doesn't really matter which film it was, it's an observation that applies to polarization on IMDb in general.

You asked for a clarification. Since you waited three days and got no answer, I decided to reply and share my insight.

Hope that helps.

Something Happens - "Parachute"


Okay. Thanks. I know posters who never reply to the post they're commenting on, and I wasn't sure if this was the case. I misunderstood your intentions as well. Sorry for that. At least we kept the board alive for a bit.




No problem.

Something Happens - "Parachute"


I must admit I do not fully understand the horrible reviews of this film either.

Okay so it is not exactly a masterpiece. Movies do come better than this one but having read the book and feared the outcome of turning it into a motion picture because the book was just so great and so difficult to transfer to the big screen because of all the psychological issues I actually think they ended up doing an okay job of it. The dialogue could be better and so could some of the acting no doubt but overall it is a beautiful story and I think they managed to get in all the main points of the book. The movie follows the book more than I'd expected.

So overall I liked it enough to buy it for my DVD collection and I have made no regrets.


MovieLuxe (Mon Jun 3 2013 22:59:37)
Can you people hop off the bandwagon long enough to give this movie a chance?
Didn't really read all of the replies nor any of the other topics (this is the first one I've read for this movie). Your topic title though is disappointing. How can anyone hate this movie? I thought it was going to be a cheap sci-fi movie or something else that has been done time and again or something else where halfway watching it while doing something else would work out just fine. Boy, talk about a mistake. I found myself putting other things on hold because this got to me. I recognized the name Saoirse Ronan from the movie "The Lovely Bones" and at first I found it hard to accept her as being grown up, but as the movie progressed, that went away. I was watching, waiting for (Wanda) to reveal that Mel was still inside, communicating with her, waiting for it to become known that Wanda had developed a certain connection with Mel and couldn't bring herself to cause harm to anyone. I never read the book (didn't know it was based on a book at first), so when it was getting near the end and thinking that Wanda was going to die, I was tearing up. I kept thinking, come on Mel, tell her that you both can share and co-exist. Tell her that you've grown attached to her and that you would miss her if she went away, that you'd rather have her stay in your body than to lose her. So glad about how things turned out though.

Don't pay any mind to anyone who hates this movie. It was really good and I'm surprised that it didn't get more attention than it did. Some high budget movies are horrible in comparison to this movie and had it gotten proper advertising, I'm sure it would have put a lot of them to shame.


No hate from me. Quite enjoyed it.


I agree that this movie has some interesting things to say.

I think it has far more worth than the Twilight films. The Twilight films were pretty silly in terms of their ideas and characters (eg. sparkly vampires). They didn't really add anything of importance to the vampire genre and were a pale imitation of the ideas in Bram Stoker's original Dracula novel.

This movie has more merit. It's got some worthy themes and a good central performance. It raises some interesting ideas about the soul that is contained within a person and the different identities and possibilities that exist within people.


I am not in no way a fan of the work of Stephanie Meyer. Unfortunately, I have read all of her Twilight books. But I also have read The Host a long time ago, and I actually liked the novel. I've even recommended it to my mom, who really enjoyed it.
But this movie is killing the best of the book. I don't know how a person who hasn't read the book can understand the storyline.
I wish they had shown some of Wanda's former worlds, like they are described in the book.

A very poor adaptation, that happens to work for me because I've read the book long ago.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language IMDb = Catch-22


Why all the hate? Because this movie stinks like a hot turd in a sleeping bag.

Anyone who truly believes this picture is thought-provoking is a massive clit.
