Why all the hate?

Can you people hop off the bandwagon long enough to give this movie a chance? Just because you hate Twilight (a major bandwagon) you haven't given this movie a fair shot. I watched it today and have to say, it was way better than I thought it'd be! It is probably one of the best book to movie adaptions I have ever seen, though it has been a while since I read the book.

Seriously though, not everything from Stephanie Meyer is horrible. This proves it.


I liked it aside from a few slow segments- thank goodness for hopeful endings


I think this is the perfect situation to use the saying "Haters are gonna hate." I returned to my thoughts for this movie and I still stand by my original thoughts - that this is a solid movie and not remotely as bad as the critics and its detractors say it is.

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I enjoyed the movie.
And I have a hard time understanding why people come on here to just complain about something they hate so badly. If they hated something, they wouldnt waste their time on it.
I think their all just secret lovers of this movie. and they are just afraid of showing it.


Personally, I really enjoyed it. It was a very interesting and creative story, unlike anything I've seen before. I haven't read the book and I'm glad I didn't because people who have were let down by their higher expectations.


No. It's awful. Terrible. Nothing was good at all. Dianne Kruger and Saoirse Ronan are great actresses, but they were poorly treated by the director, and the script. The film's awful.


I still wonder where the "hate" comes from as well.

If I'm being 100% professional, I would NOT recommend this for the theater (In other words save your money), but if you liked the trailers, by all means rent the DVD!

Here's what I liked...this movie had heart, even if the acting and directing was lousy. In my book, that's good enough for a one-time rental.

This movie didn't do any damage to my brain, it was a well-written, yet poorly-acted and directed movie that could have been better, but it's still "acceptable" in my eyes.

I'd give it a solid 2/4 stars...but if I were a critic I would have still given it a "rotten" tomato...just from pure professionalism.

However, like me, just watch the trailer...if you're the slightest bit intrigued, rent the DVD, or at least see it on cable. You won't be disappointed!


I think this movie is perfect in every way


this movie is way better than twilight. i was surprised I like it as much as I did.


Going through the threads for The Host as well as the replies to this OP its clear to me that people only want to post negative replies to get a response - very fitting for a thread about a teen -driven fantasy.

The movie was decent and a good (not great) adaptation of the book. Saoirse Ronan did a very good and believable Wanda/Melanie. The other actors - nah, not so much. But the movie in general was well done. Those who wanted heart-pounding action and CGI thrills, no, this wasn't meant for you.

On a side note, I find it ridiculous that people rag on Stephanie Meyer as a writer based only on the movie adaptations of her novels. 99% of the complainers have never read her books, may not have even seen the film adaptations, yet because of a need to be outspoken and garner attention, have decided to get on any social network they can and rant about how horrible Stephanie Meyer is in general.

Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but here's a clue - you need to have the goods to stand by your convictions. In other words - read the books, actually see the movie, and then perhaps your opinion would mean something...to someone other than yourself.

Don't like vampires, or aliens involved in romantic triangles? Awesome. Don't read about them. Don't go see movies about them. Want Shakespeare, Austen or Kafka? Great! Go read their plays/books/short stories, become a film maker and adapt one of their works into a movie. I'd definitely go see it.

Regardless of the movies inspired by the novels (most of which, I grant you, were cringe-worthy due to acting- with the exception of The Host, Saoirse Ronan was very good.) Stephanie Meyer writes well for her genre of teen fiction/fantasy and is taking all of the criticism with a laugh as she cashes every residual check.

"Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot." - Holly Golightly


>>but here's a clue - you need to have the goods to stand by your convictions. In other words - read the books, actually see the movie, and then perhaps your opinion would mean something...to someone other than yourself.

But oddly enough, I thought Saoirse was the most inconsistent of the cast. She wasn't bad, but I definitely disagree with leg humping she's receiving for this performance.

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