Watching this, who were you surprised by the most... terms of age and looks?
I must say, aside from the usual NOES suspects (Wes, Bob Shaye, Heather, Robert, John Saxon etc) this was the first time I was able to see most of the other cast members since the time movies came out.
The most pleasant surprises for me were two female heroins: Kim Myers (Lisa, part 2) and Lisa Wilcox (Alice, part 4-5). They look hotter now than 20-something years ago! Lisa is just adorable.
Mark Patton was also a pleasant surprise. For a 46 year old he still has that youngish thing about his face...And he looks healthy unlike some others.
I think the biggest shock for me came in the form of Tuesday Knight. If there wasn't a "Tuesday Knight-Kristen Parker" at the bottom of the screen, I could've gone the entire documentary without knowing who the hell that chick was. She was the only one I hadn't recognized immediately.
Who'd want to be men of the people when there's people like you?-A.M.