MovieChat Forums > Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2010) Discussion > Watching this, who were you surprised by...

Watching this, who were you surprised by the most... terms of age and looks?
I must say, aside from the usual NOES suspects (Wes, Bob Shaye, Heather, Robert, John Saxon etc) this was the first time I was able to see most of the other cast members since the time movies came out.
The most pleasant surprises for me were two female heroins: Kim Myers (Lisa, part 2) and Lisa Wilcox (Alice, part 4-5). They look hotter now than 20-something years ago! Lisa is just adorable.
Mark Patton was also a pleasant surprise. For a 46 year old he still has that youngish thing about his face...And he looks healthy unlike some others.

I think the biggest shock for me came in the form of Tuesday Knight. If there wasn't a "Tuesday Knight-Kristen Parker" at the bottom of the screen, I could've gone the entire documentary without knowing who the hell that chick was. She was the only one I hadn't recognized immediately.

Who'd want to be men of the people when there's people like you?-A.M.


I never recognised mark patton at first,he looks very different 2day,amanda wyss is still very hot,tracy from part 6 is kinnda freaky looking lol


I agree! Amanda Wyss does still look pretty hot. Different, but hot none the less.

So is Taryn from 'Dream Warriors'.

He can NOT be a part of me! Batman does NOT eat nachos!!


Lisa Wilcox is now a MILF, and Tuesday Knight scared me, with those collagene cheeks


Tuesday Knight looks like Quagmire from "Family Guy" now.

I think anyone who has an opinion, and voices it, will offend someone. - Peter Steele


lol that's funny, I hate when women make their face look like blowfish's...



Tuesday Knight's fatness

Jsu Garcia, Grady especially, Erika Anderson, Lisa Wilcox, Brooke Theiss all still looked really good.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here


I was surprised that Brooke Bundy looked as good as she did...And I was really surprised that Monica Keena looked that bad. Why did she deliberately ruin her face like that??


Anyone else think Kim Myers and Meryl Streep should finally team up for a movie together? It could be a movie where Meryl's younger self comes to see her in the future and they like team up to change the past or something. Seriously, they're like twins.

"I've flown this route before."
"When was that?"


Tuesday Knight looks the most different

but in the "nmoes in 10 minutes " feature
close your eyes... she reads her lines she sounds the same
and the delivery was great :)


Heather did not age well at all, and that fat whale, well, MAN THE HARPOONS!



I agree,I taught that Tuesday was quite rude talking about the director,faking his accent and all...It is obvious that the other two guys did not really care much for her either and would have rather have Patricia on board...


Lisa Wilcox, Danny Hassel, Miko Hughes and Kim Myers looked the best. But they all for the most part looked good.

Monica looks completely different and as someone stated, that was only about seven years ago.


Monica was strange , it's true...It's not like FVSJ happend 25 years ago or something...


I thought Mark Patton looked good for 46, but he is actually in his fifties. He discussed how he turned 50 recently in an interview, so his IMDb birthdate must be wrong.


I thought Mark Patton was great! He seemed like such a cool guy!

Monica had a horrible lip job...she looked really bad

That guy came to us for help, and we lit him on fire!


I echo Kim Myers and Lisa Wilcox, both were amazingly beautiful. Jennifer Rubin stood out as likable and attractive, and I was definitely digging Lisa Zane. Beautiful eyes, cute smile, and pronounced cheekbones on her.

For the men, Wes Craven doesn't look half bad for an old guy, and there's something striking about Jsu Garcia. I don't know if he's still acting, but I feel he'd be very interesting to watch on screen.

The "reunion" between Mark Patton and Lisa Myers, where he pulls out the Freddy claw, was--I'll say it--cute.

"It was night. I could tell because it was getting dark."
