MovieChat Forums > The King's Speech (2010) Discussion > Things i've learnt from the King's Speec...

Things i've learnt from the King's Speech

1. Cursing helps control stammering.

2. Mamm is pronounced as "Ham"

3. Certain skills are learnt in Shanghai.

4.London streets are covered in dense fog.

5. Blasting music in your headphones, helps you read hamlet fluently.


Don't sit on the stone of scone unless you are a king.


90. Antipodean methods are both unorthodox & controversial
91. Richard 111 was King of the colonies
92. Form your words carefully
93 Actors are the lowest base of all creatures
94. Being knighted makes you an official idiot
95. It's always Othello
96. Wireless is a Pandora's box
97. Old Nanny's sit in the cheap seats


98. Lionel believes he is a thistle sifter.
99. Beach towels are very effective at creating a comfortable environment to give a speech.
100. Swearing is the best medicine.

This is my story. This is the sacrifice my father made. This was his gift to me.


Churchill was right all along


-Hairdressers don't like archbishops.
-If your brother orders to chop some trees, he probably has visitors.
-If you dress up too flashy for dinner, your father will die in the very near future.
-If the queen sits at your kitchen table. Be sure to hide the king when your wife comes home.


I'm not the thistle sifter, I'm the thistle sifter's son.
I'm only sifting thistles 'till the siff -- Damn!

You've got me?! Who's got you?!



105. When in Paris, be sure to visit Paulette.


106. Nothing that Lionel has done since the start of the film has much improved the King's stutter.


107: If nothing else is working try shouting "*fuc_k*! *fuc_k*! *fuc_k*!". It helps in certain situations.

We're talking about unchecked aggression here, dude.


108. You just don't cry on the Queen Mother!

109. Lateness would not be tolerated if the King were here.

110. Getting your kids to memorize & recite Shakespeare line by line is a great way to spend family "quality" time.

111. Big brothers can be cruel.

112. Herr Hitler will sort things out.

113. Princess Margaret was also once cute (and "Outnumbered").

114. If you have trouble with the letter "P", try putting an "A" in front of it.


Sucking on marbles will cure your stutter.
At least it used to in Ancient Greece.

Smoking is good for you as it exercises the lungs.

No cash here!! Here, no cash!!! Cash, no!!!! Robbo? No Cash!


117) Being forced to use your right hand to write with when you're left handed will cause you to stutter.
