this wasnt that bad

I just watched this on HBO. This was a decent movie. Not as bad as the critics made it out to be. Way better than Terminator Genysis


the reason why this movie was terrible was that it didn't even try to stay true to the 55 year history of the Fantastic Four. And I don't mean that is in a 'racist' way. I Don't give a 'shi*' if all of the cast is Japanese, Chinese, African, European, or Mongolian. This movie did not do anything to pay homage to the last 55 years of comic book history. It didn't have to be to the tee with the comic books but it needed to be 'true' to the source material. Which, this movie was clearly not. You are obviously are not a Fantastic Four Comic Book fan or you would realize this.


Yeah, I refuse to believe this movie is as bad as the imdb rating indicates.

(my bumper sticker)


This is a Good serious movie

If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD!


And they say there isn't a drug problem. 
