I've watched it 3 times
There's a lot of good stuff here. Michael being without direction as a killer.
Laurie being a pepper.
The cinematography.
The music.
The teens and Dr. Sartain are the issue.
The teens:
Cameron, Oscar, and Allison aren't interesting. Rather than having Laurie's granddaughter be stuck with a lame boyfriend and his toehead friend, just write them out. Dave is a lame character but he's easy fodder. Vicky should have been written as the granddaughter. It takes out the really bad fight and pathetic friend situation and still keeps the store plot ticking. Rather than Allison being stuck in the car with Sartain looking for Michael, you could have Hawks bringing her to the police department or hospital and still have the run in. Laurie can still be out looking for Michael and stumble on the scene. She grabs Vicky, they see Hawkins get mamed and they head out with Michael taking chase (he did stalk Laurie in the original so it's not out of character)
This takes Sartain out of the dumb character drive to see Michael out in the wild. It can easily be left to imagination as to how the bus crashes.
This should allow the action to come to the strode house and keep the good parts in tact. You can continue with a sequel, but honestly I wouldn't.