MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2018) Discussion > why does it have the same name?

why does it have the same name?

Isn't that confusing?


They should have instead called it “The Shape”.


I'd thought it had something different, since it's not necessarily a reboot, but I guess it goes with the times were everything is just being erased from the past and revised. These are tabula rasa times.




A movie which is Halloween 2 is called Halloween isnt confusing :) ? Nice posting, lemming :) .


Not at all. We're all here having a discussion about how it's a sequel to the original, so clearly we all know it's a sequel to the original. The trailers make it clear that it is a sequel to the original. If everyone knows exactly what it is, I don't see where there could be any confusion at all.


"The Halloween" Is that better?


Ugh, it's another Ghostbusters situation where we'll now have to refer to it as "the original" with every mention.


why? it worked for The Thing.....


But The Thing was a remake not a sequel, wasn't it?


no it was a prequel, it leads into the beginning of the older film


Oh didn't realize that....I apparently wasn't paying much attention when watching the 2011 film lol

Although I'm not sure I'd say using the same name "worked for The Thing" since this didn't do particularly well with critics or audiences haha


lol I know..kind of what I meant

Also the seen featuring the helicopter chasing dog at the end of The Thing (2011) is the same helicopter that we see in The Thing (1982) when the dog makes it to U.S. Outpost 31.


This conversation is making me realize how rusty I am and I need to watch The Thing (1982) again asap! 2011....not so much!
