Looks like a Fem-nightmare

Weedy girlies no doubt knocking out male warriors twice their size.


Ask your mom why nobody will date you. When are her visiting hours?


Insecure little trolls like you make me laugh. Its no threat to your non existent manhood Cletus. Im just not going to watch it. Easy as that.


Would make sense. Snyder tends to cast actresses built like 12 year olds so men won’t sexualize them.

Gadot being an example: https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/ad_122022718.jpg

For some illogical reason he cast her to play one of the most voluptuous heroines in comics: https://storage.googleapis.com/hipcomic/p/8ac39a92c04e4a9e4a5618075eec4f34.jpg


That's a nightmare? Women doing fictional things in a fictional setting? There are far scarier things, like that's pretty low bar for what I'd consider nightmarish.
