'Men get raped too' and Julia (Jennifer Aniston's character)
My question is for any self-proclaimed men's rights activists out there (many of whom use the "men get raped too" argument whenever rape statistics come out that show a trend of women being raped by men the majority of the time).
By the way, this is a sincere question and I am genuinely curious.
In all honesty, if you were in Dale's position, would you have raised a red flag with the cops about Julia or would you have given in to her advances?
I ask because I know guys who always bring up the "men get raped too" argument and get mad at women for what I imagine would be getting all of the attention in that regard. Then again, in both reading the threads for this movie and asking many of my male friends about HB, an overwhelming majority of dudes have this to say about Julia: "dude, I would've hit that," "he really didn't have a problem," "he should have just *beep* her and got it over with." It seems to me that men's rights activists' anger should be directed towards all the other men who would gladly give in to a woman raping (or as they would say, "raping") a guy, don't you think? A lot of the hurdles that MRAs are trying to jump over were initially erected by men themselves, not women.
My $0.02.