My question is for any self-proclaimed men's rights activists out there (many of whom use the "men get raped too" argument whenever rape statistics come out that show a trend of women being raped by men the majority of the time).
By the way, this is a sincere question and I am genuinely curious.
In all honesty, if you were in Dale's position, would you have raised a red flag with the cops about Julia or would you have given in to her advances?
I ask because I know guys who always bring up the "men get raped too" argument and get mad at women for what I imagine would be getting all of the attention in that regard. Then again, in both reading the threads for this movie and asking many of my male friends about HB, an overwhelming majority of dudes have this to say about Julia: "dude, I would've hit that," "he really didn't have a problem," "he should have just *beep* her and got it over with." It seems to me that men's rights activists' anger should be directed towards all the other men who would gladly give in to a woman raping (or as they would say, "raping") a guy, don't you think? A lot of the hurdles that MRAs are trying to jump over were initially erected by men themselves, not women.
For starters, most men could easily repel even the most persistent of would-be female rapists. So there's not really any serious "threat" in our mind when it comes to the idea of a female trying to rape a man.
Which brings me to my second point, even IF a woman was able to rape a man when he's unconscious, he's still a man when he wakes up. Unlike most women who get raped, the man who gets raped is more than capable of going after said female rapist and knocking the everlong crap out of her for violating him that way.
I don't really agree with the idea of men being raped being treated as a joke, but I can understand why a lot of men would be have trouble taking it seriously, ESPECIALLY if it's a woman attempting the rape.
"Tahiti is not in Europe . . . I'm going to be SICK."
Well Aniston's character was actually abusing her position as the guys boss and as a practicing medical professional.
He didn't feel confortable with her sexual advances, sexuaul comments, and her inappropriate sexual behaviour towards unconcious patients. And she was blackmailing him with sexual photo's taken when she had drugged him. Now because it's a real sexy babe doing these things and not some 50 year old sleazy man, it is some how deemed hilarious.
Male rape (especially in prison situations) is always treated as a joke in films
Personally I would be giving the Aniston character a damn good seeing too everyday if she was my boss....whether she was blackmailing me or not:-)
True. But with the bad writing of True Blood. Jason showed no signs of trama dealing with his rape. Don't you think that sex would had been the last thing on Jason's mind after being gang raped? Nope, he was thinking about having sex with Jessica. And the dumb fool did it and cost him his best friend.
Jason showed more signs of trama from killing Eggs then he did with his gang rape.
Male rape (especially in prison situations) is always treated as a joke in films
Yeah man, that Shawshank Redemption film was freaking hilarious, especially the part where a group of guys are repeatedly raping the main character, what a hoot! And don't even get me started on American History X when Edward Norton's character gets viciously gang raped in the shower for disrespecting the Neo-Nazi gang, cracks me up every time.
I think they're referencing more toward the trend of "prison-rape" jokes. This is a topic that can be joked about, while joking about a woman getting raped will be controversial at best.
They said that men getting raped in prison was generally treated as a joke in films, my point was that films that are actually about prison or which depict a man being raped never play it off like that (at least none that I've seen). Sure, people make jokes about getting raped in prison in real life, but people make jokes about women and children being raped too. It's worth pointing out that pretty much everyone who tells "getting raped in prison" jokes are actually men themselves and the fact that they're criminals rather than just a woman walking around after dark makes it less controversial.
More than capable physically, but in no way supported by the law. You're an idiot if you think a woman wouldn't then run to the police and you'd get away with it. Men hitting women is not acceptable, so good luck getting away with bashing one.
Most male rape victims have been raped by other men, and the numbers are larger than most would believe. A lot of the time it isn't even a sexual thing, but about establishing dominance.
Even so there are still many cases of women using weapons, drugs or their wits to subdue men and tie them up to use for their own pleasure.
i think it should be taken seriously. I have a male friend who's been raped by a woman. Sure, he was still a man after he "woke up" as you put it, but he sure didn't feel that well. He felt violated, traumatized, humiliated, and emasculated.
I'm sure he did!! I only know one rape victim, and he's a male. His rapist was female. Far as I'm concerned, any act that is morally wrong...any form of violence, violation, or no less serious or harmful simply because it happens to one person instead of another.
You are wrong Cause a man CANNOT easily repel any woman rapist.
Let me explain with an analogy. A man is trying to rape a woman. She can Kick him in the balls, split his head open with a baseball bat, if she had access to one.
Now reverse that. What does a man do, a man cannot even punch a woman, cause after getting punched all she has to do is scream RAPE!!. Its abuse no one is going to listen to him.
I had a girl from my neighbourhood try to enter my house when my parents were not home when I was 16 years old.(I was very strong benchpressing 120kgs practicing martial arts and a long distance swimmer. I left my home for studying when i was 13 returned 6 inches taller and a buff body. since my waist was the same size I thought I could fit into the clothes I left back at home. Big mistake the only thing I could fit in was shorts and sleevless tees which were so tight and short, so almost every girl and even woman had the hots for me) She may have been 2 years older than me very thin. She was asking me something and (later I found out that she had told our common friend who had knocked on the door to get me to open it, that she wanted to "at least" kiss me today) then she just started to push the door open. She was freakishly strong. The only option I had was to bang the door hard and it would hurt her. I could not close the door on her with my normal strength. I was strong and very very strong compared to her, yet I could not close the door just using normal strength that should have been enough. I really had to push the door on her so hard it would hurt her. She stuck her foot inside, then she put half her body inside I was like what the *beep*. Now I can't push her out at all. She started to grab my dick was trying to get her hands on me. Then I thought the best thing would be to scream. Yeah I screamed like a *beep* girl... :-P no not really. I just started to call out my neighbor aunt by her name and this girl left.
This made me feel what can a guy a do. IF girl get aggressive there is nothing he can do. If he uses force it will hurt her. He can't punch her out. Then what he caries her out. Its a different story if he is at her place he can run. But then she can say he tried to rape me. The woman can turn the tables very soon and it has happened, there are such cases where the woman in turn accuses the guy when caught.
I am not a man (although I would identify as a civil rights activist), but a friend of mine is a therapist who works with male victims of sexual abuse, so you can probably guess my position on it.
There is a big difference between making sexual advances and making unwanted, repeated sexual advances. Ignoring how inappropriate Dale and Julia's relationship would have been with the whole boss/employee deal and that Dale was engaged, the fact that Julia wouldn't take no for an answer seems to elude most guys watching it, including Dale's buddies. Lots of guys who say "I wish she was MY boss" probably would take her up on her first offer, and presumably she'd never sexually harass/assault/rape them like what she was doing with Dale.
Again, although I'm not a guy, I KNOW there is an enormously unrecognized amount of men who HAVE been subjected to this humiliating, degrading situation. Many more probably don't realize it now, but even if a "hot lady" was trying to coerce them into sex despite repeated rejections, they wouldn't think it was okay or excusable. In fact, I think there's more shame and trauma with men because of this ignorant double-standard.
Yes, this is "just a movie" but "Birth of a Nation" was/is "just a movie" and that doesn't make it any less racist, just as this movie isn't any less sexist for trivializing sexual harassment.
Basically those guys you're talking about aren't MRAs, just anti-WRs. (Or at least incredibly misinformed.)
It's telling that the screenwriters threw in the detail about Dale being engaged, as if to ensure us that he had good reason for resisting the advances.
Had it been a female employee and a male employer, they probably wouldn't have needed to include that detail. The audience would just think "Oh, a male boss shouldn't do that to a woman", full stop, regardless of her marital status.
Whereas if it were a single man being harassed by a woman, most people, rightly or wrongly, would just think "What's the problem? That's every guy's fantasy!"
Point taken about the greater ability of men to resist female assailants than vice versa.
The whole idea of a man getting raped seems absurd. First, for a woman to rape a man they would either have to overpower them (which isn't going to happen), or have them in a position where they couldn't move. Second, the guy has to have an erection (which until Viagra was invented I don't think it was even possible for a man to have an erection unless he was excited), third most girls can *beep* most guys anytime they want. It just seems ridiculous.
First, women overpwoering men is not so uncommon. As well as women having the bran capacity to tie someone up. I understand it could be shocking news to you, but its true. Secondly, So by that definition, it means i can tie you up, rub my penis into your moth and eyes, have it with your anus till you wont be able to walk, but because i didnt have an erection, its not rape. therefore i commited no crime. great logic you got here. Not to mention the fact that human body often reacts on its own. Its not a secret that there is a group of women that feel pleasure being raped, this is not because they like it, but because their body reacts to stimula, which is how evolution made us. Third, this is is because of our societal order, where women are glorified without reason and made the purpose of mens life. I think i sould underline that you correctly said "most" guys, not all guys.
If you think that raping a man is ridiculous, then i think the sooner people like you are off this earth the better.
--------------------------------------------- Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
In most cases, a woman is not going to be able to overpower a man, but it can happen. However, women do possess the ability to outsmart, trick, and manipulate a man into a situation where she can rape him.
Next, guys should know that sexual excitement is not required for an erection. Has every boner you've gotten been the result of sexual stimulation? It is just the easiest, and most common method to obtain one. Now, likely the mental block will come crashing down and prevent the erection from happening, but that may not always be the case. However, with erection drugs on the market now, this isn't really a problem for the female assailant.
Oh, I also thought I would point out that vaginal intercourse may not be her intention. There's more than one way one to rape a man.
Rape is rape. Even if you don't want to look at the situation in this movie as rape, it sure in hell is still sexual harassment. Yes, a lot, and I do mean A LOT of guys would love to be in this guy's situation. But he was clearly uncomfortable, and wanted a purely professional relationship with his boss. There are guys out there like that - believe it or not.
Has there ever been a case of a woman raping a man? I'm referring to vaginal rape. They can always blow some guy while he's soft and I'm also not referring to statutory rape or using a strap-on. Talking forced intercourse. I saw the Law and Order SVU episode they did on this, which mentioned some of your points, but I've never heard of it actually happening.
You don't hear about it because men are far less likely than woman to report a sexual assault case for a number of reasons. One of those being the societal double standard that believes that a woman cannot rape a man would make it a difficult for the man to even want to press charges. The biggest reason is quite possibly due to the contingent emasculation and ridicule by having to go public with the accusation.
Make no mistake though, it happens, and likely on a daily basis to someone out there.
Rape doesn't have to be just the physical overpowering or someone, it is subverting their will.
Just because a man is generally much stronger than a woman does not mean that a man cannot be raped or beaten by a woman.
1 in 3 domestic abuse cases are against a man despite men being the stronger sex.
In a case where a man was kidnapped and raped by 3 women the comments were 'lucky guy' and 'where is the problem' is was *beep* disgusting.
I have a sense of humour about all things, including rape but I don't laugh at real life incidents.
People submit that rape of a man is not possible due to physical strength and erection=arousal.
But arousal does NOT equal consent.
This is not the first movie I have seen that downplays male rape from a woman or makes a joke out of it.
The reality is if one of those bosses had been male and posed sexually with a female who was knocked out . . .no one would be laughing. It would be a massive failure and an outrage. But for some reason depictions of male rape are allowed to be shown as comedy.
I can somewhat relate to this... My ex got flat out drunk on her 21st bday, afterward I took her home so that I could take care of her, next thing I know she strips her clothes off and orders me to have sex with her. She'd already vomited about 3 or 4 times, so yeah, I wasn't feeling it. She literally forces me to do it physically (I'll stop there, I think you can guess what happened). Next day I told her what happened and she insisted that she'd raped me and didn't want to touch me again. I had to insist she didn't before she calmed down. Hypothetically, that could constitute as rape. So yeah, it can happen.
We still live in a time that tells men there is 'no excuse' for hitting women (totally bogus in my opinion) so a man in that situation can feel totally helpless as to a solution.
I have actually had conversations with people who still believe that a husband can't really rape a wife because they are married. People can have really out-dated perspectives and I think the view of female on male rape is an example.
If a 13 year old boy is molested by a female teacher people tend to snicker and say 'he probably couldn't believe how lucky he was' but if a 13 year old girl was molested by a male teacher then it's seen as horrible.
I consider it more sad when people make jokes about guys getting raped in prison. That's far more brutal and for some reason accepted.
Domestic abuse is different. It doesn't surprise me when a man gets beaten. There are a lot of guys who won't hit a woman or even put up a fight. Women are plenty violent enough to do it. I do find it weird how people treat men like they're supposed to control their woman and if a woman hits them it's their own fault, yet they aren't supposed to get physical with them.
It's not just physical strength and arousal, it's also that most women can get laid anytime they want. Also a lot of rape is about dominance (which is a typically male trait).
I would assume if a woman was to rape a man it's probably due to her having sexual issues where she has severe trust issues. Probably abuse. I don't think it's driven by the same energy as male rape.
There's a reason it was female on male harassment in the movie. People thought it be funnier and sexier. If it was anything else it would probably be male on male but then you'd probably piss off the gays as well as turn off a segment of the audience.
That was a whole lot of conjecture based on nothing. How on Earth can you state that prison rape is more brutal? Brutal in what way? Physically? Emotionally? And according to whom?
To me that is as pointless as saying 'a woman raped by a stranger in an alley is more affected than a woman raped by a boyfriend' it doesn't matter who or where you were raped . . . it's rape and it's very invasive.
But attitudes just like the one you expressed make it very difficult for the men who HAVE been raped by women to be taken seriously.
There seems to be this whole no penetration=no violation mythology surrounding rape and male rape in particular.
You don't hear about it because men are far less likely than woman to report a sexual assault case for a number of reasons.
That is true BUT there are women who don't report getting raped either, so the numbers are not accurate for men or women.
So what we all realize is that the role of Dale's boss was miscast. It shouldn't have been someone so attractive. Perhaps a very older plumper woman. Kathy Bates in the role would have made it hilarious.
But the the 2nd purpose of Anistons character (to titillate the men in the audience) wouldn't have been accomplished.
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I saw a website once where a woman was wearing a strap-on and the caption read "time to do the men a return favor". I doubt seriously that a lot of women really do attempt such a thing, but it made me wonder.
Those who refer to work as the highlight of their lives obviously don't have one.
First of all, it might be less likely for a woman to overpower a man face to face, but it is far from impossible. Violence might not be the way to do it, but it can certainly be done.
Second of all, drugs aren't necessarily needed to cause erections. Prolonged phallic constriction can cause an erection, even in an unconscious man. Now, *sustaining* it might be a different story, but causing one is not so hard (heh...hard).
There is absolutely no reason why a woman can't rape a man, and the idea that it isn't plausible is absurd. Every thing a man could do that would lead to the rape of a woman, be it overpowering them, drugging them, deceiving them, or putting them into any sort of forced situation are all just as likely. Additionally you may think that it's impossible for a man to get hard unless he wants to, but I can say for a fact that is not the case at all. For most men all it takes is for some one to initiate stimulation in order to get them to have an erection, but there are others routes as well such as various drugs which can be made available. It doesn't even have to be vaginal intercourse, any unwanted force sexual contact towards a woman can be considered rape, and so the same should apply to men.
The problem with men being raped, is often times the situation is never taken seriously thanks in great to the same thinking a lot of you people are sharing. It's sad living under the justice system we currently do where one group of people can be affected by a crime, but another can't, but more so they think it's absolutely ridiculous.
The problem with Dale becomes even worst because he was a registered sex offender. Our justice system would never take him seriously, and might even turn the tables saying HE raped her, all because of a simple mistake he made once. This is the kind of world we're living in right now, one where justice isn't blind, but actively discriminates.
In all honesty, if you were in Dale's position, would you have raised a red flag with the cops about Julia or would you have given in to her advances?
Let's change genders and make George Clooney the dentist and Emma Stone the assistant. Is it as funny then? Should Emma have given in to his advancement?
Julia is definitely guilty of criminal sexual assault. It works (kinda) as comedy because Dale is a nebbish and Julia is played by the woman some organization called the Sexiest Woman Ever, or something like that.
Sure, most straight women would hit Clooney and most straight men would hit Aniston. But rape isn't about shared intimacy with consenting individuals - it's about coercion and the exercise and abuse of power. Dale said no, repeatedly, and that's all we need to know.
I don't think it's males getting mad at women for getting all the attention. More a sense of frustration when someone, male or female, doesn't acknowledge the fact that men can be helpless in situations like this. We all get it that someone like a Jerry Sandusky is committing a great crime when he abuses young boys, but in a case like Julia's and Dale's it doesn't seem as clear cut - primarily because the film set it up to make most of us wonder if Dale is crazy for *not* accepting Julia's advances.
Oh for crying out loud, this thread is an insult to anyone who knows beans about crime statistics. For one, are you addressing just female on male rape? If you're addressing general rape statistics regarding males, it is predicted to be much higher than total crimes reported.
People do realize men rape other men, right? Also you people are, for some reason, imagining these hot babes coming on to dorky guys just begging for it like the movie. Often times it is either older women in authority forcing themselves on a guy (like women, fear of job loss, etc.) or the women is actually physically stronger; many male rapes are on teens and younger boys. Now as for women on a full grown man, that is rare unless the women uses drugs or some kind of restraint which does happen. Like women, men do not always know they were raped because they won't always feel any kind of pain from a forced rape; however they do sometimes realize it when they have a new std or they're now a dad! Likewise, society shames most rape victims, male or female, as if they deserved it or brought it on themselves. Since men have an ego, they are less inclined to report. And actually, a male raping a male is seen as very embarrassing to victims and so they don't report because they think it will mean they're gay. Last, you must consider what entails a rape. Some men are raped orally and because they gain the erection they think it was not forced. Like women, if you are forced to perform oral sex or have oral sex forced upon you, some do not consider that a rape.
Honestly, the movie is funny because who would turn down Jen Aniston? But I can assure you, the women who often rape do not look like that. Hell, you can look up mugshots if need be.
If someone would thing that Aniston getting nasty and trying to get you to do her was rape....Then clearly they're on the other team. In fact the most ludicrous part of all this is that someone as uber hot as her would have to do anything special to get laid. I mean a burp and a nod to geto over there would work just fine for me....
If someone would thing that Aniston getting nasty and trying to get you to do her was rape....Then clearly they're on the other team. In fact the most ludicrous part of all this is that someone as uber hot as her would have to do anything special to get laid. I mean a burp and a nod to geto over there would work just fine for me....
Someone is pretty desperate and easily led around by his dick.
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If you're a guy then you probably should check in your guy card. If you call going after someone as hot as her "Desperate" Then you're eithe not functioning right or on the wrong team (So to speak)
Ok...So my guess is you're thinking in terms of the guy being engaged doing the right thing...You have a point there, but my point is that there's really no way that someone as hot as her would have to stoop to trying to force someone who worked for her to work on her. That's the ludricrous aspect.
As a true blue horn dog it really doesn't take a whole lot of encouragement to get me to mount up when sombody looks that hot.....That's basically what we do....Unless we have a reason not to like an ol' lady you'd never cheat on....And to be truthful...Isn't that usually the time when something like that would happen? When you kick your own butt for having to turn it down.....
there's really no way that someone as hot as her would have to stoop to trying to force someone who worked for her to work on her. That's the ludricrous aspect.
I agree.
As a true blue horn dog it really doesn't take a whole lot of encouragement to get me to mount up when sombody looks that hot
Yes, Aniston is hot in this film but she's not really my type. It wouldn't be a problem to turn her down since I can just bang someone else who is more my type.
And not all men are raging horndogs who think with their dicks and *beep* anything that walks. Some of us are discriminating.
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Rape isn't about sex, it's about control. Aniston's character wasn't getting off on the sexual aspect of it, but the control bit. She can be as "hot" as that and still quite obviously have some serious issues.
Making him uncomfortable, making him do something that he clearly didn't want to do was what she was really after.
Rape isn't about sex, it's about control. Aniston's character wasn't getting off on the sexual aspect of it, but the control bit. She can be as "hot" as that and still quite obviously have some serious issues.
Making him uncomfortable, making him do something that he clearly didn't want to do was what she was really after.
THANK YOU!! At last I meet a sane person.
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I think this is highly sexist (or just wrong) what you are stating here. To say that rape against men by women doesnt exist or it's not a big deal is sexist. You can't use this movie as an example, I mean OF COURSE the men (myself included) would have slept with Anniston's character but saying that this is like saying men don't mind getting raped by women is wrong. It's like saying that there is a comedy where a man wants to rape a woman and that man is played by Brad Pitt, all my female friends they would love that, does that mean that rape against women is no big deal ??!!!!
You are COMPLETELY wrong. You are in the mind-set that anything against men is ok, not that serious comparing to women. And you use the "self-proclaimed men's right activists" as a silly notion, as nothing but a joke.
There is sexism against both genders yet if it's towards men it's considered a joke, like this movie shows. Imagine the roles reversed in this movie, then I bet you'd be complaining it's sexist.
I enjoyed this movie and found it funny, I'm just tired of the 'self-proclaimed feminists' always complaining when there is something that they don't like.
Look at our society, things have changed for women for the better (and it's good) but things for men have become unfair. Male-bashing is ok.
There is proof that violence against men is just as serious as violence against women yet its not taken serious.
Here are examples of double standards that I posted in another forum that I think is relevent here:
in the media and in any public forum if you say a joke against women it's sexist and if they are men they get fired and never work in any public platform again yet if a woman does the same toward men it's nothing.
(it's the case where the wife cut off her husband’s penis off, and when talked about on this all-female show, they turned it into a joke even stating that it was good what she did, that every woman wants to do this....if an all-male show laughed about a man mutilating his wife's vagina, they would be fired)
Society says MEN should always pay on dates to be a gentleman (with most women's argument is that if we pay than he'll expect us to always pay, oh kind of like what women are doing right?) Women like to say men should pay because it’s what being a man is. Yet you can’t tell a woman what a being a lady is.
Men’s paycheck, should you get a divorce, does not belong to him. If she doesn't work, men have to support her a$$. This is unconstitutional against the equality act (women don’t pay alimony in almost all cases)
The men’s children, should they get a divorce, do not belong to him. If mom drops them off at the babysitter's house, try to pick up your kids without mom's verbal consent to the sitter.
Your half of the fetus, should you get a woman pregnant, does not belong to you. If she wants to abort, it's not your call. Yet if she wants to keep it, you have no choice but to pay child support.
I’m not saying everything is fair for women but we always hear their argument and never about the things that are sexist against men because society tells men they can’t complain. It even teaches boys that to be happy in life, you first have to make the girl happy, tht men have to put her first (why, it’s ridiculous...yet to tell a woman she has to put her man first...welll you never hear that)
Anyway, this statement you made is just plain idiotic. How can you compare a situation is a comedy to a serious issue in the real world???!!!!!!!!!!
It's this very common view that makes it tough for men (and I'm a woman saying that). The idea that:
"For starters, most men could easily repel even the most persistent of would-be female rapists. So there's not really any serious "threat" in our mind when it comes to the idea of a female trying to rape a man.
NO. Do you have any idea exactly how many weak men there are in the world? And I mean both physically and mentally. Nerds, geeks, office guys, in today's world there's tons of men who is not physically strong, the strong worker guy is in minority today. While it's rare women rape men, it's not that rare at all women *beat* men, and when a guy comes and report this to the police he get laughed at and not taking seriously. IF he reports it, cause there's such huge shame in it. I know a man, in his 50's, who's kind of small and tiny, a taxidriver, and he got a big wife who just push him around constantly, and beats him. He hasn't dared to do anything about it, cause he knows the whole world will laugh at him cause he's supposed to be strong, like a MAN right?
I think both women and men in general have the foolish idea this doesn't exist, and we're still stuck in the oldfashioned world where a man usually was strong.
You are a moron. If I had an attractive male boss and he did what Aniston's character did....I would be disgusted and I'd sue his a*s. Rape is about control, not sex. People are so stupid ugh.
-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
This is so true. It's especially true with size differences or ethnicities. Some ethnicities are smaller than others e.g. Bolivian men are on average 5ft3" while Dutch women are 5ft7in. Now height is only an approximation of size/strength but it's very easy for a larger woman to dominate a smaller man, unless they're strong for their size or have some sort of combat sport training.
I'm 5ft6" male @ 140lbs and had trouble wrestling a female who was 5ft9 and about 175-180lbs. It's absolute nonsense to say that a woman can't physically dominate a man.
I'm sure any woman trained in any sort of grappling could hold their own against even an average size man. As long as they were above 150lbs. At the elite level even wrestlers like Miesha Tate used to dominate boys in high school wresting at the same weight class.
(it's the case where the wife cut off her husband’s penis off, and when talked about on this all-female show, they turned it into a joke even stating that it was good what she did, that every woman wants to do this....if an all-male show laughed about a man mutilating his wife's vagina, they would be fired)
That is just *beep* sick. Please tell me these women got some sort of punishment for it.
I really do hate these double standards that are there between men and women. A lot of people that identify as feminists (note I'm not saying actual feminists) don't want equality, but instead superiority.
As you said, if a man mutilated a woman's breasts or vagina and then male talk show hosts laughed about it, there would be massive scandal and those men would have ruined their lives.
Here we have Sharon *beep* Osbourne actually trying to say she might have had a good enough reason for it.
The real sad thing is, if there was outrage for it, I bet people called sexism against women saying that men can joke about women all they want.
If anyone wants a good example of a woman raping a man. Then watch the TV show Rescue Me. I think it's happened in the 3rd season. Shelia is upset that Tommy wants to work it out with his wife and wants nothing to do with her. Shelia spikes Tommy's drink with viagra and rohypnol. Tommy passes out and Shelia drags him on the sofe and rapes him. Tommy wakes up with no memory of what happened.
I completely agree with you, mrhollywoodp. There was also a woman within the past year or two who cut off her husband's/boyfriend's penis and put it in the garbage disposal. The only thing worse than that is a man's testicles getting smashed. If a guy cut off a woman's breasts, people would be horrified, and they should be. But this was joked about by people (David Letterman was one). This may be a little biased, but as a man, I think a man's penis getting cut off is worse than a woman's breasts getting cut off. The penis is more versatile and essential to a man than breasts are to women. A woman's clitoris getting cut off (which would be horrific also) isn't as bad as a man's penis getting cut off because the clitoris only serves as a sexual tool.
What I found interesting is that the rape scene in "Showgirls" was controversial. But Edward Norton getting raped in "American History X" kind of got a pass. I personally would stand for and support any man who claims rape. And any woman who tries to pass male rape or genital mutilation as just a minor offense, I would argue them to the death.
So what we all realize is that the role of Dale's boss was miscast. It shouldn't have been someone so attractive. Perhaps a very older plumper woman. Kathy Bates in the role would have made it hilarious.
"Kathy Bates in the role would have made it hilarious."
Nope, it would've made it disgusting, ho would pay to see THAT?
Making her superhot is strictly for comical effect. But also to go to extremes to make a point: - Hey agressive controlling manner is so offputting even a hottie like that would be a turn off to most people. - Believe it or not there are some sick hotties out there, just google Karla Homolka.
Like Disclosure with Moore and Douglas. Extreme but also plausible.