Sisters vs. dildos
The dildos are less judgmental.
He tried to protect their feelings and his privacy when he indicated that he didn't want them in certain areas of his home and one sister got annoyed and angry about him wanting to keep some things secret.
I laughed out loud when one sister said "put yourself in our shoes", since his cross-dressing was one of things they were upset about.
Agreed. They scream like the Salem Witch Trials when he was trying to keep family members out of there to start. That organizer person would not let him have any say. Seems like she was doing that to force unnecessary embraassment and confrontation, but that's TV.
shareseriously they screamed like they found dead puppies..these are adult women...getting all indignant over finding a leather mask and dress up clothes...I know Mothers who reacted more calmly finding rubbers in their daughters purse or a vibrator under the 13 year olds pillow....
shareCan you imagine if they ever found a playboy in their teens room? Would've sent them to a rehabilitating camp. They seem like the type that think you can pray the gay away too.
shareYes, he obviously told the woman in charge what was in there, she told the director, and the director said to bring the sisters in.
11... 92... 12...share
I laughed out loud when one sister said "put yourself in our shoes", since his cross-dressing was one of things they were upset about.
He tried to protect their feelings and his privacy...
He loves big boobs
shareI'm not surprised he likes to dress up in women's clothing after living with those wicked stepsisters. No doubt a breath of fresh air to finally get to be around a woman who isn't a miserable crone, for a change.
Both of them were bitches. Especially the ugly one. Your brother is disabled, doesn't have any help for it, can barely stand up on his own, and you wonder why his house is a mess? What the hell business is it of yours what he has? With their personalities, who wouldn't opt for living with junk instead?
Kevin needs to stop apologizing and start telling Drizella and Anastasia to grab their Bibles and their brooms and fly on out of there.
What the hell business is it of yours what he has? With their personalities, who wouldn't opt for living with junk instead?
I didn't think the sisters were bitchy at all.I didn't, either.
I think they overreacted to the porn and sex paraphernalia .Definitely! I mean, really...they're mature adults. Is it REALLY that shocking to see sexual paraphernalia in another ADULT'S house?
The point of the clean up wasn't about what the sisters wanted. It was to make a safe place for Kevin to live AND have medical care providers be able to have access to Kevin without having to report his living conditions to APS.Exactly.
Lol, Grace I agree with your statement on their reaction. They acted like they found a dead prostitute in his room.
shareI know! The way they reacted, and then carried on and on about it, was *WAY* over the top considering it was just sexual stuff, not dead bodies!
Would be hilarious if for the update episode he answers the door wearing the leather hood.
I'm still waiting for a dead human body of any kind to be found in one of these hovels.
shareI know right. They are just Dildos he is handicapped and if that fulfills him who cares its between him and his God. Did it never dawn on those witches that handicapped lonely people want to enjoy themselves a little as the chances of finding someone to accept them and their handicap is highly improbable? I mean I am rather pissed they threw them out did they not know they cost a decent amount of money? I mean figure $30 a piece they just threw over 100 bucks away and so what if he cross dresses its his choice. Gah freaking Judgmental twats. Going on about the bible and *beep* Hypocritical bitches. Judge not isn't that in the Bible? Leave him be and let him enjoy what makes him happy. and really did they need to blast all that he was trying to keep it secret Shame on you Hoarders.
shareSeems like both of them could use some dildo penetration.
What really p*ssed me off about this episode was that Kevin was pretty adamant to the organizer and the show that he was not adverse to the porn, etc. being cleaned, but by THEM, not his family. They callously ignored him and got the sisters involved. Dorothy was even making a point of flashing around his unmentionables to make sure everyone could see what a disgusting bugger he was. Anything for the ratings, right guys? Despicable. The show publicly humiliated that man just for the gross-out factor.
Dr. Chabaud - you dropped the ball here. Shame on you.
I agree. Dorothy is usually very diplomatic in dealingwith families and the issues that pop up with cleaning, but this seemed like the producers pushed for drama. When the Dr. dropped the "passive aggressive" line it annoyed me. Walk into my closet and find the sex toys I use with my spouse, don't you dare accuse me of passive aggressively trying to upset you. It was in his room and he said he didn't want them in there. He mentioned multiple times he didnt want that, and they stood in the background looking like figurative witches with their pointy noses and snarls as he tried to mention he wanted that space to remain private.
. I get that sex toys and porn make a lot of people uncomfortable, but come one.
Funny that you mentioned that But a group of us were talking with Cory about the episode and he admitted that yeah they find these items all the time
This was handled poorly. There is no need to expose those items, we find porn and sex stuff in almost every house we clean out. Who honestly cares?? The guy was going through enough already and that part of the story wasn't important in my opinion. But...I wasn't there so it wasn't my call.that was from his facebook its sex toys I lay heavy odds a lot of us have them or have had or know someone who has had them. share
It was all very strange.That's it right there--it was very strange. I'm still kind of shaking my head wondering what the big deal was.
Well, here's my take on it - I would never judge another person for their sexual fantasies/fetishes unless it was hurting someone else. I could care less that he dressed as a woman (obviously, since my avatar is a drag queen!) or wore leather or had porn magazines. Big deal!
However, I can understand why the sisters were upset for three reasons: 1) this is their brother and not many people want to imagine their brother as sexual, especially engaging in fetishist behavior, 2) the brother did mention that there were areas he didn't want touched, but I don't think he did enough to convey WHY he didn't want his sisters in there or put up much resistance to keep them out. Again, it's not a big deal to have dildos and such, but he should have known that his sisters would not want to see it. At the very least, that type of discovery is awkward. And finally, 3) the clean-up / family history was very emotional for everyone, so the sister's defenses were probably lowered and they were very raw emotionally.
Again, I'm not agreeing with the reaction...but I can understand what was happening in the moment. I might not have reacted the same way if I found that stuff in my brother's room, but it would definitely be weird to have proof that my brother wore a gimp mask and a wig, while a (very big) dildo was shoved up his ass. On top of cleaning his filthy house (with poop trash bags) it might have pushed me over the edge too!
You've made some really excellent points, VidaBoheme. And they make sense!
Thank you!
sharevalid points honestly I myself am just laid back as all hell and would not have blinked I actually would have been like """ Whoa wait those cost bucks big bucks put them in this bag and I will ask him if he wants to keep them" I would not have blinked a eye and yes while cleaning my mothers house while she was in hospital I ran across her collection and just went Ok kids stay away from her top shelf in the closet. Why mom? Really kids do you want to know ....O.O nope mom thanks for the warning lol
BUt again that is me overly liberal and just not giving a *beep* as you said if it aint harming no one have fun do what makes you feel good :D
Your avatar is one of my favorite characters ever in a movie.
Again, good points. Thanks for sharing that perspective.
the brother did mention that there were areas he didn't want touched, but I don't think he did enough to convey WHY he didn't want his sisters in there or put up much resistance to keep them out. Again, it's not a big deal to have dildos and such, but he should have known that his sisters would not want to see it.
I hadn't seen your comment about the "act of anger/aggression" bit before I posted a similar diatribe above, so I'll just co-sign what you said! I have no idea what the experts were trying to accomplish with that, other than a bump in the ratings. They could have done irreparable damage to that family with the way they handled it.
shareThanks! And yes, that one sister was really intense!