Watching this now and I'm amazed that Stone is casting Stalin as a good guy without mentioning the fact that the Soviet Govt was up to its eyeballs in atrocities.
Stone is trying to paint his series as trying to give us a history that is complex and nuanced.
But without alluding to the distrust that the US, France, Britain and Poland had towards the Soviet Union - and the difficulties they had in forging an alliance with a communist dictatorship that had slaughtered 20 million of its own people - Stone is just giving us a biased view of history.
First of all, you're a douche and I don't think you even watched the series because Stone attacked Stalin multiple times as a "brutal dictator" and stuff like that. In fact, in my opinion he did it rather gratuitously.
The West didn't and doesn't give a rat's ass about "atrocities" or "mass murder" or anything like that. The West is perfectly fine to support atrocities and mass murder in defense of capitalist property. Read up on the fascist death squads the West armed in Latin America, Indonesia, Greece and multiple other places who slaughtered millions of people to defend capitalism. How many people did the West slaughter in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea and other places in defense of capitalism, to crush revolution or even reformism? You really think the West's problem with Stalin was that he "killed people"? Their problem with Stalin was that he was a revolutionary socialist who believed in the overthrow of their social system. They hated Stalin and the Soviet Union for the same reason the feudal monarchies of Europe hated the French Revolution.
It's you who has the "biased view of history". Stone gave a very moderate, centrist portrayal of history in his series. In someplace like Europe, very little that Stone said would be considered to be outside of the mainstream. It's only in the US where a cult of fanatical jingoism dominates the historical narrative that Stone seems "biased", because he attacks YOUR bias toward history and shows a more realistic and balanced view of what took place. In fact, I don't think he even went far enough in this.
As for Stalin, I think he did commit some crimes and atrocities, and deserves criticism for them, but also deserves credit for leading the development of the Soviet Union into a socialist society that met the needs of all its people, supported revolutionary, progressive and national-liberation movements across the globe, smashed Nazi Germany and liberated Eastern Europe, and stood up to the colonial and neo-colonial empires of the West (the hilarity of a reactionary sh!tbag like Churchill accusing Stalin of destroying freedom in Eastern Europe while himself imposing a vicious, racist, tyrannical exploitation over much of the global south, is simply beyond words). Stalin did a lot of things, some of them great, some bad, a few terrible (though nowhere near what he's accused of by Western anti-communist attack dogs, much of whose "information" has been inherited straight from 1930s Nazi propaganda), but on balance I think he was a decent progressive, revolutionary leader who played a positive role in history. His methods were often overly heavy-handed and excessively cruel, as many communists, myself included, are more than willing to criticize him for, but his politics were right and his actions were in the defense of a revolutionary system under mortal threat from forces beyond, and even to some extent within, its borders. Stalin led a progressive socialist revolution that, in a generation, transformed the USSR from an impoverished semi-feudal peasant backwater into an industrial country in which all people had food, employment, housing and medical care guaranteed by the workers' state. And in any case, the Soviet Union was not only Stalin; it was an entire social system, and a very good one at that, as opinion polls in the former USSR consistently reaffirm. In other words, whether or not Stalin was a "good guy" personally as a human being (which is debatable), he was on the right side of history. I'd take Stalin's socialist USSR over Putin's capitalist Russia any day of the week.
"The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history." Mao
Is this a joke? Are you actually praising Stalin, one of the biggest mass murders in human history? There is so much insanity written in your post that I don't think any kind of rational response would ever get through to you. You are lost, my friend. Absolutely lost.
It's a pity, but nothing in world history can be painted just in two colors - black and white. Stalin was cruel and paranoic, but he was not the only responsible for repressions in the USSR. On the other hand, he led the industrialization of country, made the USSR the second economy in the world, raised life level etc. (and again he was not the only responsible). And the main thing - he has really dismissed "world communists government" - the International, showing that the USSR is not interested in world revolution any more and since that moment acts as socialistic state in world system.
Several years ago he took the first place among greatest Russians in national voting. So, even though he was exposed (and is still constantly exposed), Russians still vote for him. Do you think they know their own history worse than you?