MovieChat Forums > The Untold History of the United States (2012) Discussion > Good ol' Ollie, trying to one up Goebbel...

Good ol' Ollie, trying to one up Goebbels propaganda minisrty.

This series is sickening to watch. The overwhelming left leaning bias leaves you dizzy. Stone should pack up and move to North Korea, as communism appears to be where his loyalty lies.


North Korea is a realsocialism state. But you americans don't know the difference.
First read Karl Marx books.


Reality has a well known liberal bias. Deal with it. Exactly where among all the historically accurate facts Stone presents do you become dizzy?


Communist East-Germany with its Stazi surveillance system - to spy on its own people was considered the most evil dictatorship in the world. Until now. The NSA makes the old Stazi communists seems like Sunday-school for children at the local ministry.

Goebbels propaganda ministry is peanuts compared to Stazi - and compared to NSA - Goebbels Propaganda ministry is like a fluttering water molecule - in the wind. USA! USA! USA! Land of the freedom fries. Land of the free. Land of opportunities. Yeahhh. Not.


Why is the truth "Sickening"?. Why is it people like you can not see the wrong US has done, almost every empire has made mistakes, read your history of the Roman Empire.


Coward. Ignorant coward.


>>Stone should pack up and move to North Korea, as communism appears to be where his loyalty lies.

I wouldn't be so sure. Have you seen his film that was on Chavez? He absolutely is out to criticize the man, show how out of his depth he is in terms of actually contending with a press willing to criticize him, and show that he has many traits of typical communist leaders who are disliked... However i have seen him make positive remarks about Venezuela.

It's pretty confusing, however, I'm more willing to believe his stance in the documentary, which was highly critical of Chavez and above all makes it clear that Venezuela's national press was beholder to printing positive stories about Chavez when he was in charge of that nation.


Now i really MUST see this. Anything that makes faux patriots, rightwing bigots,, republicans and simpletons like them crazy is a must see. Thanks for reminding me that the truth does indeed have a LIBERAL slant. Now go cry in the corner.


someone needs to take a deep breath, hit his wife-sister on the mouth and drag a black man after his pick-up for a couple of miles, to let of some inbred steam
