MovieChat Forums > The Untold History of the United States (2012) Discussion > Good ol' Ollie, trying to one up Goebbel...

Good ol' Ollie, trying to one up Goebbels propaganda minisrty.

This series is sickening to watch. The overwhelming left leaning bias leaves you dizzy. Stone should pack up and move to North Korea, as communism appears to be where his loyalty lies.


I agree, I managed to watch the whole series but could not help but see how this is "one liberals" take on history. Who is he to tell what is correct against what is false. He puts Goebbels to shame with this diatribe. What a waste of time.




all history is subjective, to a point

but you libs win the prize for bending the truth

"rage to exist..."


Yes... history is subjective, to a point.

Which very much would allow one who is objective to point out what has been "bend"... yet all you have is "whatever"?


and your point is......

(am i obligated somehow? it'd be pointless anyhow)

"rage to exist..."


Of course you are not obligated & it is pointless...

Just like "but you libs win the prize for bending the truth", since you are all about empty statement.


go swap spit with oliver, then you will be happy

"rage to exist..."




I don't think Americans are taught so much right-wing history, as much as white-washed slant that EVERYTHING America does is great, with half-truths that don't tell the whole story. I applaud Stone's exposure of some of the darker sides of American history that is usually covered up in traditional teachings. But it's also important to take in his telling also a critical approach, given his OBVIOUS liberal bias. Neither the left or the right will tell you everything you need to know, so you should listen to both sides and make your own conclusions.


Oliver Stone was spot on about Obama being a wall street shill and a liar, cheat and pretty much he's just Bush in another color.


Stone is no liberal. Liberals are center-left which is also known as the moderate left. He is farther to the left and one big hypocrite. He rips conservatives yet is friends with a far-left dictator (Castro) who jails people for criticizing his government. Castro is a human rights violator and Stone is friends with this piece of trash.


It hilarious how you complain it's propaganda... when you already sound like someone brainwash to the point of no return. Why do you even watch a documentary if you are merely looking for something to reinforce your "opinion"?


^^^^This is spot on.


I watch documentaries to hopefully gain insight from an impartial narrative. This was anything but impartial. It was filled with the view of a person that holds nothing but antipathy towards the very nation that gave him the ability to rise in a profession which he excels, and the very freedom to express his own ideals.

Can Ollie make an anti-communist documentary using the same narrative as this, and circulate it in North Korea, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, China, etc. without being thrown into a political prison? I think not.

I tolerate his point of view, and feel it's good he can produce his idealist expression. Though, I don't agree with it, and I'm using my freedoms to express my disdain for his bias.


"...the view of a person that holds nothing but antipathy towards the very nation that gave him the ability to rise in a profession which he excels, and the very freedom to express his own ideals."

This sentiment will hound Stone and his work beyond the grave. I do not feel he has antipathy for the US in the same way Spike Lee does not have antipathy for white folks. Stone has a controversial though credible view that US economic and foreign policy has, for more than a century, sought to impoverish the public domain and maintain the status quo here and abroad. This show, more than any one of his films, showcases the continuum of individuals who tried to make a difference against this intrinsically inhumane "the ends justify the means" hardliner mentality.


I guess you all are white males who grew up in a virtual utopia with all needs met. Well I'm a 35 yr old black man from Detroit, and I agree with a lot of what Stone says. Early in the series he explains how the Russians did the heavy lifting in fighting Hitler = true. I really liked the things that Henry Wallace proposed in his run for president, and was appalled when shown that national convention where the election was stolen from him. Maybe race relations and foreign relations would have been on a much better track with him in office. Stone exposed Harry Truman for the fraud and racist that he was, once again true, he used the N-word alot. He didn't beat Ike up too bad for the 50s, but some of his cabinet were really insane. President Kennedy was universally well liked, even my grandmother 20 years after his assassination spoke highly of him, but he believed in too much equality so he had to go I guess (sucks, he was a good one). Presidents Johnson and Nixon were horrible and for what they did in Vietnam and he rightfully talked on it. Ford was basically a laughing stock. Carter had good intentions but no backbone and the Iran hostage thing was horribly handled. Reagan's time in the presidency is the first I can remember for myself what the world looked like = very bad in my neighborhood. Reagan introduced a wave of drugs in the country and his time was very much inline with the worst of imperialism with all the takeovers and cuddling up to future terrorists. Bush Sr, with his war on the same drugs that Reagan introduced further destroyed my community, and the first Iraq war was the start of the propaganda filled news cycle that brainwashed so many people into a hatred of all islam. Clinton's years were the best in my eyes, my neighborhood prospered, more people were working, more people in school. Stone also mentioned how pressure from the house eroded Clinton's power and he ultimately became their puppet committing his own atrocities. I haven't seen the rest of GWB and Obama's episode yet, but I'm quite sure he won't hold Barack's hand either.


I live in the suburbs next to Detroit and Reagan didn't destroy your community. You know who did? Your fellow blacks did with there horrible behavior. The only way drugs come into your neighborhood is when your fellow blacks buy them. I see some blacks who blame the whites for "putting drugs into the ghetto's". Total crap. Blacks BUY the drugs they put them into the community. Look at all the gang banging that goes on that is blacks fault and no one elses. The white people who created the "war on drugs" did not destroy your community all the moron black drug dealers did by bringing drugs into the streets. Blacks in general need to take some *beep* responsibility for once and stop the excuses. And stop *beep* shooting people.


This highly enlightening comment was brought to you by the KKK.


Thank you. I couldn't figure out how to respond to such garbage that would get by IMDb's censors, but you did it perfectly!

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


Nobody is forced to become a junkie or criminal


HAHAHA as a centrist who has liberal leaning views on some issues and conservative leaning views on others, you jmm124567 are an utter moron. With all the resources available at your disposal, you should by now know that its common knowledge and evidence is more than credible the CIA was involved in shipping cocaine into the ghetto via people like freeway ricky ross etc. and thus directly contributed to the urban decay that still plagues this area. You want to blame the disenfranchised for getting hooked on a drug that made them forget their lot in life. I can't wait until your child or friend dies of a pharmaceutical related overdose and you immediately become judge jury and executioner not only of the one who sold it, but the one who died from it as well. Anything less would make you a disgusting hypocrite so please use the same disinterested, patronizing, and contentious tone you used in your message toward those close to you who fall victim.



I appreciate him presenting an alternative view that is not always expressed in traditional history lessons, but I admit that his obvious bias against 'the right' is a bit offputting. Everyone has to make a judgement as to how much of his perspective to take in or not.


I don't think he has an "obvious bias against the right". All he did was give facts with some personal views that don't agree with right-wing views. Anytime someone doesn't agree with right-wing views, it doesn't mean that they're biased against the right, anymore then right-wing views are biased against the left.


There are no impartial documentaries. None. To think they exist is inane.

Working in the movie business since -92


Documentaries of this kind cannot be impartial. When you have humans all over the world doing terrible things to each other, how can you (or anyone else) be impartial about it? I applaud Stone for digging up some forgotten history.

There are plenty of other people in your country criticizing North Korea, etc., but, as Chomsky says, the responsibility of a citizen is to one's own country, not some other far away.




It's right up there with that JFK abortion LOL


Here's a good article exposing the Marxist loons behind this revisionist propaganda.

The ‘Untold’ False History That the Left Tells All the Time By Daniel Greenfield t/

Robert Scheer, a co-founder of the domestic terrorist group, Red Family, is a one-man mausoleum of the shrill viciousness of the left and its radical program for America. Like Bill Ayers, Scheer has gone from anti-American terrorist to anti-American academic, teaching a course on media and society at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication.

Scheer had acted as a consultant on Oliver Stone’s Nixon and has moderated discussions between Stone and Peter Kuznick, Stone’s collaborator on “The Untold History of the United States.” Scheer, like Stone and Kuznick, believes that Harry Truman was a war criminal, that the United States was the villain of the Cold War and that it is an empire in need of overthrowing. But propaganda isn’t much use unless it influences the next generation and so Scheer is bringing, “The Untold History of the United States” to the 152 USC undergraduates of his class.

The goal of the “The Untold History of the United States,” both book and propaganda series, is to become the new “A People’s History of the United States.” A multimedia project indoctrinating a new generation with the left’s funhouse mirror conspiracy theories of American history. There is a reason why old terrorists become academics. On the college campus there is no historical revisionism of the left so discredited that it cannot find credulous audiences among the young. And there is no one better than Oliver Stone for the job.

Four More Years! Ha ha ha ha ha ha


So what your all arguing about is what?

Are trying to say that this documentry doesn't present any facts?

Do any of you know, what communism is? It ain't anti democracy, it's anti capitalism. And yet, one unmistaken fact is presented through out the documentry is that Commusism is considered evil and used as a war cry to bully others.

All in the name of preserving democracy and freedom etc.

Are you all trying to say that Truman wasn't full of him self an Regan?

Funny thing I've learned about American History and not just from this documentry but over the years, American History is so convuluted and full of BS. Certain people have been raised up as Heroes when infact they are as bad as the people they are fighting against.

Good ol'honest Abe is one. But ohh because this is too liberal or something it must be wrong.


Do any of you know, what communism is? It ain't anti democracy, it's anti capitalism. And yet, one unmistaken fact is presented through out the documentry is that Commusism is considered evil and used as a war cry to bully others.

All in the name of preserving democracy and freedom etc.

Are you all trying to say that Truman wasn't full of him self an Regan?

Funny thing I've learned about American History and not just from this documentry but over the years, American History is so convuluted and full of BS. Certain people have been raised up as Heroes when infact they are as bad as the people they are fighting against.

The ironic thing about your post here, is that you ask if people know what communism is, when your post strongly indicates that you are young, immature, and know very little about communism yourself. My guess is that you know next to nothing about the Soviets, how they operated, how they came to power, how they ruled, their expansionist policies, jailing and murder of dissidents, and their various horrendous crimes in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. My guess is that you also know next to nothing about Marxism, the origins of communism, and how communist regimes had very little to do with Marxist ideals in practice.

Also, your spelling and grammar is laughable, which further makes it absurd that you ask people if they "know about communism".

Here's two words for you: Holodomor, and Katyn. You didn't know about either of these, did you? It's called google. Read up. Holodomor is one of the worst atrocities ever committed in the history of the world, even worse than the Nazi Holocaust. And that's just ONE Soviet crime. Katyn is one of the worst mass executions against civilians and officials ever committed. Both of these were committed by the Soviet communists against innocents. Also, I challenge you to find me something that the United States has done that is comparable to either of these, especially Katyn.

Also, since I already know how you'll respond, no, I'm not apologizing for the U.S. and their various shenanigans and crimes as well. I have plenty of issues with the U.S. empire and U.S. led invasions in recent years. I'm simply informing you about the Soviets, since you are laughably uninformed and clearly know virtually nothing about the USSR besides what you heard from this series, which glosses over any Soviet faults to a large degree. But you didn't know that, did you?


Also, since I already know how you'll respond, no, I'm not apologizing for the U.S. and their various shenanigans and crimes as well. I have plenty of issues with the U.S. empire and U.S. led invasions in recent years. I'm simply informing you about the Soviets, since you are laughably uninformed and clearly know virtually nothing about the USSR besides what you heard from this series, which glosses over any Soviet faults to a large degree. But you didn't know that, did you?

He doesn't gloss over it really. The series is not about brutality. He knows full well what Stalin was like and points it out several times just in anticipation of arguments such as yours. But it's not what his narrative is about. He could do the entire series on Stalin's misdeeds. Hell, he could do an entire series on Japanese internment. But both subjects get little thrift. Because what he's getting at is we in the US have been told that we had no choice but to support dictators and commit genocide, when it really isn't true.

You can disagree with that, but it's what he wants to say and that's where all his energy is going. it's not to pretend the Soviets were great guys, but to show that we could have handled them as a rival without selling our souls.

I think we all need to consider that possibility good and hard, because this isn't just history, it's right now.

"That's what a gym teacher once told me."


You're spot on!


Really? The worst atrocity committed in the history of the world.You need to open a history book.Even worse than US or European colonial powers coming close to wiping out an entire ethnicity,group,etc? The colonial era death toll exceeds 100 million. What they did in the Americas and Africa alone is some of the most evil stuff seen in history.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Also, I challenge you to find me something that the United States has done that is comparable to either of these, especially Katyn.

You're welcome. These are just two examples. Want more?

It's funny when the US tries to claim the moral high ground.

Working in the movie business since -92


Please consider your source.


Absolutely sickening.

I tried watching one episode because I'm a huge history buff, but couldn't believe the Left-spin done on virtually EVERY point. This isn't balance against US-only sided history (which I have hardly seen, or been exposed to.) This is just completely one-sided, ignorant, Left-wing propaganda.

"Have a good time. ALL the time. That's my philosophy Marty"


What you're telling me isn't that you're a history buff, but that you're a right-wing history buff. If Condoleeza Rice approached history the way many of you do, then she probably wouldn't be a specialist in Soviet affairs, because she'd only know about the bad things they did.


What are you frightened of?


What I fail to understand here how you can just dismiss the entire series as "ignorant", "left wing" propaganda. Sure, Stone definitely has an agenda here with presenting this series, though (imo) I feel it is needed to add to discussion and elevate the voices of dissent in America, since we are so used to hearing ourselves be "the winners". However, you cannot simply regard his unearthing of primary sources as "ignorant". Say what you will about how Stone uses his quotes and "proof" to propel his argument, but you simply cannot deny the legitimacy of their existence (i.e. Eisenhower's stated belief on why we should not have dropped the bomb on Japan). Doing so would be dispelling objective fact and reality -- that would be true ignorance. You cannot be a self-proclaimed "history buff" if you deny, or refuse to believe, the validity of your primary sources.


Okay if you don't like Oliver Stone. Then read up on Smedley Butler.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


I think the whole point of the series was to show how unfair it is for americans to portray themselves as kings to the rest of the world without being accountable to their own actions.

So Oliver wisely turns this exceptionalism on it's head and gives the other side of the story that we've already known.
