Feel cheated...
As the title says... I kinda feel cheated with this show.
It's like going to my favorite coffee shop, where I go everyday for the last 3 years, and all of a sudden, Im being handed tomato juice, instead of coffee, with no warning. Im not saying tomato juice is bad...all Im saying I went there for coffee.
I like Louis CK, he's one of my favorite COMEDIANS hands down. But this is not comedy anymore. Like others here have said, I think I laughed maybe 2 or 3 times during the entire season. I came here expecting comedy...weird, dark, twisted comedy for sure...but still 100% pure comedy. What I got instead is some artsy drama episodes. Im sorry, but Im just not interested in that.
If I wanted weird *beep* up drama, I would watch a Woody Allen movie. And speaking of Woody Allen..might he be the reason for this sudden style change? The Blue Jasmine experience might have changed LCK's optics on entertainment / television.
He is trying too hard to be something he is not. He should stick to comedy and stand up imo.