although the movie was a little annoying and a bit too flashy, i still was into it. then the scene in the basement came along and...well, let's just say i had mixed reactions. at first i laughed, being that the kid was terrible actor, and the film seemed campy. Then Ferrell showed up and ruined the rest of the picture. I kind of knew that this is the direction they were going, but the writers and producers made some terrible decisions on how they wanted to portray this interaction between the humans and toys. just awful.
Unfortunately i'd have to agree. What bugged me most about it was that the characters seemed to have their own free will, even in the "real world" (i.e. where Emmet forces himself to fall off the table), but then it turns out everything is actually controlled by the little kid and his dad... so what is it? do they have free will or not? It seems a bit confused in that sense..
i'm just hoping it wasn't intended on being an allegory for god / religion, or fate being predetermined or anything like that.
Do you have free will when your actions seem to be dictated by events outside of your control? It's an old question. It seems like we have free will from our perspective but maybe from another we don't. Maybe the two ideas aren't incompatible for that matter... But you're over thinking it. They're playing that the toys have free will. Whether they do or not is irrelevant to the film.
haha i'd have to agree there.. great reminder of the product.. I personally think the narrative suffered as a result, but hey people are going to want to see more of the duplo monsters
Sorry you didn't like it - but I thought it was absolutely brilliant along the same line as the Ending of Blazing Saddles and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
I guess that sort of thing isn't for everyone (it clearly didn't work for you) - but I thought it was absolutely perfect.
The ending is what makes the movie, it explains so much about the story and ends up being a really powerful father and son story, and it does it all in just a few minutes.
It's a massive advert for Lego and in the end a kids' (of all ages) film. The live-action scenes did annoy me for a few seconds - took me out of the film - but then I was actually horrified by the idea of someone using glue on Lego (lol) and I was back in the film! Loved it!
although the movie was a little annoying and a bit too flashy, i still was into it. then the scene in the basement came along and...well, let's just say i had mixed reactions. at first i laughed, being that the kid was terrible actor, and the film seemed campy. Then Ferrell showed up and ruined the rest of the picture. I kind of knew that this is the direction they were going, but the writers and producers made some terrible decisions on how they wanted to portray this interaction between the humans and toys. just awful.
agreed, the kid was a horrible actor, I mean the close up of the kid, not sure if its because his too old or doesn't have the face for it. like its suppose to show the audience of 'innocence' of a child and here is the kid creating a world with his imagination
will ferrell ruined it too, as a old school person i believe 'no-named' people give strength to movies, now you see celebs in tv shows/movies/videogames/cartoons etc
people just don't realise how stupid it is to use known celebs for stuff, because you're so SICK of seeing their faces AND it stops unknown actors to further their career just like I think idiots who think "jack black" or "ben stiller" should be in ghostbusters 3 should kill themselves
also this is so apparent in typical western culture of stories where the "lets defy the parent" because its for the "greater good", and you wonder why kids these days are A-holes. The boy lying to his dad just to get what he wanted when grabbing for the 'super glue lid'
and the FINAL thing i hated was the 'lucy' being with 'emmet' thing, what kind of message are we sending to kids?? i mean what? its ok to fall out of love with someone easily so you can be with someone else? if you feel you found something better screw the person you're with and leave? thats not love, the slut has been trying to cheat on batman through the whole movie, I mean batman is selfless at the end and she doesn't even feel ANY guilt? hell when he leaves and looks like his dumped lucy he actually comes back with the 'hyper drive' because his thinking of her AND the crew, what a WHORE!!!
we should be teaching morals and ethics to kids not this *beep*
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Hows about parents teach their kids and send them messages. Then, when things come up in movies that you don't want them to be influenced by, you can try talking to them. Or parents can just turn on *whatever* and let the warm glow of the TV raise em.
"what kind of message are we sending to kids??"
Answer: If we have to ask, then we're lazy louses.
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You're wrong on so many levels. Maybe this is why countries foreign to the U.S. are so backwards and unproductive. Here we have the freedom to question our parents' authority and the freedom to end a relationship if we don't feel fulfilled by it. Maybe that's why we are such a creative country that has come up with so many inventions and innovations.
Do you realize the original Ghostbusters brought together a bunch of really big pre-existing stars? Murray and Aykroyd were huge stars on SNL and well-known from Stripes, Caddyshack, Blues Brothers, etc. Weaver was a star from Alien. Sometimes playing off the persona we already know about an actor helps the movie. You can bring that actor on and not have to spend a lot of time establishing who they are because the audience is familiar with them. Or you can have them do something atypical and play against their well-known persona to surprise the audience.
Colonel Miles Quaritch is like some sort guy!
"You're wrong on so many levels. Maybe this is why countries foreign to the U.S. are so backwards and unproductive. Here we have the freedom to question our parents' authority and the freedom to end a relationship if we don't feel fulfilled by it. Maybe that's why we are such a creative country that has come up with so many inventions and innovations."
USA... freedom... wahahahahaha. It is specially funny to read this after a election that put Benito Trumpollini in the White House, over Hitlery Clinton. Yeah, we all foreigners might be stupid. Enjoy your meal.
the 'lucy' being with 'emmet' thing, what kind of message are we sending to kids?? i mean what? its ok to fall out of love with someone easily so you can be with someone else
i have to say i felt uncomfortable with that element of the plot too. it would have been more original and refreshing if emmet didn't "get the girl" but actually became good friends with her. after all, good friends was what he was looking for at the beginning of the film.
lucy and emmet are meant to be the heroes but their personal conduct was not very admirable. she says she is in a committed relationship but she flirts with another man, dumps her partner and moves on to emmet without skipping a beat. emmet is working alongside batman, who saved his life, but despite that he is not above undermining batman's relationship with lucy and making the moves on her behind his back. it is not a very positive or constructive message to send out to children. relationships should not be so expendable.
I was annoyed with the live action first. I just felt that i was taken out the charm of the film. I would have prefered if they just left it just within the lego universe. However It wasn't that bad and i wouldn't say of the worst endings.