The Rock as an actor...
I kept hearing how The Rock has learned to act, and that he is one of the great movie stars of our age. Now, I started watching this movie, but after 30 minutes I had to stop it, partly because it's so poorly written and edited, and the dialogues are so cringeworthy, but also The Rock's acting... I mean, c'mon guys! He's a wrestler, and some studio or agent must have decided that they're gonna make him the next Schwarzenegger, but he clearly lacks the talent, and it's impossible to take him seriously as an actor.
After seeing this I don't get how movie critics and reviewers I respect keep praising him, and saying how they want to see him in more and more movies. It almost feels like there's an unspoken agreement in Hollywood that no one will speak their honest opinion about The Rock's acting skills, but everyone will talk this nonsene about his "screen presence" and "charisma". Such BS.