Dark/twisted film versions of fairy tales
Let's start a thread in which we recommend and discuss other dark/creepy film versions of classic fairy tales. I'll start with the obvious ones:
The Company of Wolves (Little Red Riding Hood)
Snow White: A Tale of Terror (Snow White, obviously)
Both are my two of my most treasured films. Both of them boast with beautiful, sinister Gothic atmosphere, and are not too shy to deliver underlying messages on sexuality and such, or please the gorehound viewers with many 'yuck' moments. Besides, many of the early versions of fairy tales, before the were sanitized for children, were bloody, gruesome, sex-packed things, the stuff today's horror is made of. Do some research on your own. Believe it or not, this is what many of our beloved fairy tales were crammed with: mutilations, cannibalism, necrophilia, rape, etc.
"Snow White: A Tale of Terror" I adore just a pinch more than the other one, mainly because of the wonderful, talented Sigourney Weaver, who plays Claudia, the stepmother. It's a very flawed film, but still beautifully shot, performed and directed. The production values are incredible. The idea of giving the viewer a little more insight on the villain and how he/she turned out evil is a most interesting idea, and it seems to work, because, despite Claudia turning evil, you are aware of her true motivations, how she feels, and why she does this -- she's no longer this 100% evil character. She's just a sad human being who does the wrong choices, unlike most one-dimensional Disney villains.
Also, there's a horror comedy cartoon version of the "Three Little Pigs". It was the last episode of "Tales from the Crypt". Check it out!
The Third Pig
And here are some more of them:
The Brothers Grimm (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0355295/)
Hansel & Gretel (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1002567/)
Deadtime Stories (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092850/)