MovieChat Forums > The Greatest Showman (2017) Discussion > disgusting politically correct movie

disgusting politically correct movie

loud modern music and dance in a period film.
whoever did that has to be a complete moron. also there were unnecessary leftist propaganda things like interracial couple, freaks are normal and beautiful etc etc .
a real vomit worthy effort from hollywood.


It's one of the worst musicals I've ever seen. I do like some musicals. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt, but as the movie went on, I just couldn't take it seriously. I ended up looking at my watch hoping the movie would end soon. Should've just got up and left.


It's a pretty weak film, but obviously nobody ever intended it to be taken seriously.

Still, even taken in a spirit of enjoying piffle, it's not without a bit of fun here and there but it's not great.


Lol you’re offended by political correctness? You’re the complete moron here.


Actually, if you support "political correctness," you're supporting a history of mass murder as communist dictatorships in Russia and China used the term "politically correct" to describe people who did what they were told (i.e., mindless sheep).

In other words, YOU'RE the moron. A sick, twisted, murder-happy moron, to be precise.


That's an...interesting way to disagree lol


Yes, I should stop adding insults and just stick to the argument. Someday I'll grow up.


Well actually, I didn't see you'd been insulted bad. I lose my shit too sometimes when people make it personal.
Fuck me? No FUCK YOU, you sonofabitch etc lol
Sorry, just looked like you went off at first glance =P Was


I don't think you understood my previous comment. I will say that I have no patience for people who defend "political correctness." "Political correctness" is a safety blanket for a control freak.


I enjoyed this movie and i dont care for musicals nor can i stand PC.

It was an enjoyable film.


Maybe it was heavy handed but for whatever reason it didnt bother me.


I think often what determines whether the PC takes you out of a movie is if there's a PC buzz SURROUNDING the movie. Take the movie Annihilation, for example. My buddy pointed out "Interesting, all women leads". But I remember just shrugging, saying "Didn't notice" because I went into the movie cold and was more interested in the story than the gender-makeup of the cast.

But then you take Captain Marvel and Brie Larsen saying horrible sexist things about movie fans all over the media, there was no way I could go in there without expecting a PC agenda.


makes sense.


An interracial couple counts as leftist propaganda? The hell is the matter with you?


Wow lol You are a moron.
I hate political correctness and leftist propaganda but there was none of that in this film whatsoever.


Internet trolls of all people shouldn't be complaining about a freaks-are-normal agenda!

Dude, that's your one hope for social acceptance.


One of the best posts that I’ve seen in over 2 decades of being online, Otter. There is nothing else that is more devastating than the truth. There is also nothing else that is funnier.


Garsh, thanks!


Most welcome, and deserved.


Damn, David Duke is that you?


Not to mention they were showing all the men in pseudo-Victorian suits, but the women were all wearing clothes a lot like what you'd see today (that ridiculous, retro-50s couture the rich are wearing right now). They didn't even have corsets on (save for when the bearded lady was doing that dance number, and I wish she hadn't).

I mean, wasn't this supposed to take place in the 1800s? I don't remember ANYBODY dressing that way in the 1800s, do you?


I don't think they were trying for accuracy, considering they didn't really bother with sttaight facts regarding PT Barnum. I think it was just a light musical, meant to be a spectacle, nothing more.


Yeah. It has a lot in common with Disney's "Pocahontas," where they took an actual story from history, diluted it, made everyone attractive, changed the ages of the characters and dates on a lot of stuff, dressed everyone the way they wanted instead of how it was actually done, and then shoved songs into it.

The songs were great, but if you strip those away, it's a very bland, cliched morality tale about not exploiting minorities. And the story-telling is bungled because whoever wrote the script did not do enough editing to work out some of the fictional PT Barnum's issues with his circus crew.
