You really have to value the internet. Where else can you find a group of people actively trying to outdo one another on a level of pure ignorance; not only boasting about their inability to even attempt any understanding of the movie, but also trying to one-up each other as to who can sound the most ridiculously uniformed. Brilliant!
If you watched the movie and didn't like it, then your opinion is valid. If you watched 20 minutes and got bored because you were already thinking of witty/scathing putdowns to troll on the internet, then you didn't even give the movie a chance. This makes your opinion worthless.
Oh, and if you're posting on IMDb while actually watching the movie, are you really expecting to get anything out of it in the first place? Is it too much to ask of an audience to just switch off and concentrate on the movie for a measly 100 minutes without feeling the need to live-blog your opinion across the 'net? Regardless of how you feel about the movie when it's over, you should really concentrate during the actual process of viewing, otherwise, what's the point?
Disappointed that you thought I was 'ridiculously uniformed'. I thought the scarlet cap, waistcoat and suit went very well together but each to their own.
I gave the film my full attention, but found it unbearably pretentious in a 'student drama' way, full of solemnly meaningless pronouncements. Perhaps you could start another thread arguing the contrary....
The thing that annoys me about Don Delillo (I have read his books and watched this film) is that he lays it on really thick. It's not like he hides the meaning under layers of metaphors that are subtle. He does not write about a poor poet growing up in istanbul, a story that is really about the fragility of life but also a metaphor for the collapse modern society and how it destroys our souls.
No, he is very more direct. So direct you would have to be pretty dumb not to understand what this film was about.
For me that kills everything he does. Don't tell me the computer age is a drain on our souls, make me come to that conclusion myself through the good story telling. Don't have the people enter un-natural conversations to make a point about society, tell me a story and let me come to the point myself.
Watching it in film form is almost unbearable. I have seen films aimed at kids that have more meaning than this junk. The same points could have been made in a more entertaining way.
I think its time for me to go read some haruki murakami to cleanse my mind, because if Don is the top 5 in America then that is a real shame 'cause its junk disguised as something only those with intelligence can understand. When really it's dumb people thinking they are intelligent for understanding something that smacks them in the face.