
Just saw the movie and my God, I haven't seen such a terrible movie in a long, long time!

What works in litterature doesn't work in cinema, and this is why this movie fails horribly. 2 hours of CONSTANT dialogue. Insipid dialogue that is, with characters answering questions with questions etc. While wordy philosophical considerations are good in a book because you have time to drop the book and think about it, they really don't work in a movie, AT ALL.
Seeing this movie was like seeing the architect speach in the matrix reloaded only it lasted the whole movie, and it was even worse!

Keep your dollars, save your brain, don't see this movie!


Agreed. So much talking for characters nobody cares for damn this film was bad.



It pissed me off that we didn't find out what happened at the end. Did Robert Pattinson and Paul Giamatti kill eachother? After all that long boring nonsensical dialogue and at the end they don't give you any closure. And by 30 minutes into the film, closure was the only thing this movie had to offer. It was long, self indulgent, pretentious and meaningless trying to pass itself off as if it had some deeper hidden meaning. It didn't. +It didn't deliver the goods. I just kept watching to see if there was a payoff. There wasn't. And the dialogue, the way it was delivered, some might say stylized, I thought it was unrealistic and abstract, so much so that it was hard to take this film seriously.



I agree. Horrible film. I'm sure the film has a decent message but it's put across so pretentiously that it destroys the whole thing. I have never seen such cringeworthy exchanges between characters in a film before.

I will kill your infant daughter. With minerals. So tread lightly, bitch. DING!


Awful, awful film, to say it is pretentious would even be too hackneyed...I cannot for the life of me see what the fans of this movie see in it, to me these devotees are like the defendants of a cult, blind belief, with no sense of rhyme or reason about it. The wife at one stage went on about the guys smell, well the only thing that smelt was this whole stinking pile of crap. Shame on you Cronenberg, a respected and excellent director putting out something that even the most pretentious of first year film students would be afraid to put out!!

PS: Yes, I get it, this is just my opninon, but what was that children's story aboyt the emperor´s new clothes???


