That was an interesting comment, you seem to know a lot about it, so thank you for sharing.
A agree with you that Hollywood has become more about box office numbers and brainless action movies that about art.
Cinema can be useful in pointing out what's going on in the world. Films like Johnny Mad Dog show probably more about child soldiers than articles do. But cinema is also about art in all its ways.
For me, Cosmopolis is an art movie, that intents to give ideas. It respects its audience in that way that it leaves it up to them to take or not what they want from the movie and there's a lot to take if you're interested in the source material.
Eric Packer's story can be seen strictly as the story of this alienated man, wanting to go to his roots to find something new, something he has lost.
Eric Packer can be considered also as an abstraction, a symbol of the financial elite and its downfall.
Some posters have written interesting opinions of their POV's.
I think Cosmopolis isn't only about this cyber capitalist and trader, I think it is about the powerful people in general and how that power influences the daily lives of the 99%.
A poster here looked at the characters as representing different social levels of our society. That was very interesting and got me to this:
- Eric Packer is the 1%, don't need to explain further, I guess
- Elise Chifrin, his wife represents the aristocracy, rich or not rich anymore, but even so at distance and not in touch with what's really going on in the world as long as they can stay in their ivory tower.
- the rest of the characters represent the 99%
a) Shiner and Chinn are the young, highly intelligent guys for whom the
numbers aren't more than the next pc game
b) Didi represents the artists, the cultural department. Those who try to
find the balance between creating and selling art
c) Jane, the financial director and single mom, belongs to those who
desperately try to combine their work with their other responsabilities,
to what price . She's like the former Benno Levin
d) Vija, the chief of theory, is the intellectual part, those whose social
position is comfortable enough to give them the opportunity to
philosophize, to sit in their chair and think, without being hurt by
what happens
e) Andre stands for the rebels, those who revolts against the system without
delivering something meaningful to it either.
f) Benno Levin represents those who have tried, but failed, those who weren't
good enough, who couldn't endure the pressure
g) the barber and the chauffeur belong to the people who have learned to be
content with little, not to expect too much. They enjoy life as it is
given to them.
When I look at this list, apart from Eric Packer, I can picture people of my own environment in every category, described above.
As for Eric, I only have to follow the actual situation in the political, economical and financial world to meet him.