MovieChat Forums > Columbo (1971) Discussion > Is Columbo Ever Outsmarted?

Is Columbo Ever Outsmarted?

Is there an episode?


I think Columbo Cries Wolf is one of the best "outsmarts" of the series. When Tina returns from Europe, Columbo is truly baffled and defeated. When I first watched this on ABC, I was very tired by that scene, it cut to commercial, and I think I had been used to 90-minute A&E Columbos of old, and I turned the TV off! I thought it was done, and Columbo had been defeated for the first time ever!

It wasn't until years later when I was gifted the DVD set, and rewatched it, that I saw the real ending!!


I was thinking of exactly that episode. He is outsmarted - but he returns the favour!




You should put spoiler alert in your heading. I was going to get ready to watch this series but now I know he solves every case


Good point. Hope I haven't ruined it for you.


Its ok. Instead I'm gonna watch the Starsky and Hutch series. Please don't spoil and tell me if any bad guys ever got away from them


I hope you're kidding. Just because you know he solves every case, it's still entertaining.


So that's a no?


I recently started working my way through the DVD box set, I will be on the lookout and let you know...I kinda doubt it, though!
