Is Columbo Ever Outsmarted?
Is there an episode?
shareI think Columbo Cries Wolf is one of the best "outsmarts" of the series. When Tina returns from Europe, Columbo is truly baffled and defeated. When I first watched this on ABC, I was very tired by that scene, it cut to commercial, and I think I had been used to 90-minute A&E Columbos of old, and I turned the TV off! I thought it was done, and Columbo had been defeated for the first time ever!
It wasn't until years later when I was gifted the DVD set, and rewatched it, that I saw the real ending!!
I was thinking of exactly that episode. He is outsmarted - but he returns the favour!
shareYou should put spoiler alert in your heading. I was going to get ready to watch this series but now I know he solves every case