MovieChat Forums > All Is Bright (2013) Discussion > Are you kidding me? The absolute worst.

Are you kidding me? The absolute worst.

Are you kidding me? I signed up for IMDb just so I could alert people not to waste their time or money watching this horrible movie. This is one of the worst movies I ever sat through; but I paid for it so I watched it all the way through until the bitter end and believe me the end is bitter. I had high expectations when I saw the names Rudd and Giamatti - big mistake - always check out a movie you've never heard of online before you pay to watch it. Very disappointing. Terrible Christmas message; actually the only thing Christmas about this movie was the fact they sold Christmas trees - they barely sold Christmas trees. Movie was very amateur - looked like it was shot by students and like other people have pointed out the accents were laughable. Nothing about this movie was realistic which I could understand if I was watching a Christmas cartoon but it was a very serious movie - nothing funny about it in the least. And nothing Christmas about it either. Rudd & Giamatti really let me down with this one.


"I signed up for IMDb just so I could alert people not to waste their time or money watching this horrible movie".

So basically you're admitting that you don't really give a sh!t about film, you just wanted to slam this one. And people are supposed to take your opinions serious? Many people on this site come here to discus film, you sound like a *beep*

You're not a writer Fink, you're a goddamn write off


Hey, I was just trying to save people a few dinero - but whatever, man. Many people come to discuss film and many come to find out if the movie is even worth watching to begin with. Which this one is NOT.


Oh yeah,... Well that's very nice of you trying to save all of those poor people being scammed out of $1.20 for a redbox rental.



I have to learn to deal with life? You guys are upset about a film you didn't like. I feel bad for you, and not just because it's clearly challenging for you to complete a coherent sentence.


Well I just got finished watching it, and you know what? I loved it. So you can quit your job of working without pay for IMDB to warn people about what YOU think sucks. You know what they say about opinions and a ssholes don't you? Just like mine, your opinion is only good for you.

So I ask everyone - watch the movie and make up your own mind. Don't come here looking to see if it is worth watching or not because here you have 2 opinions - hated it and loved it to not go by.

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!


You loved it? Doubtful. Why don't you get out of your mommy's basement and off the internet for a little while...could probably do you some good. Actually you remind me of the Giamatti character in the movie. Untrue that there are only two opinions. Some movies aren't a black/white matter. This one happened to be one of those movies. Yes or no. And the answer is a big fat "no".


I find it absolutely ridiculous to call someone's opinion "doubtful." What do you think? He's lying just to mess with you? Of course he loved it! Why else would he say so?

Anyway, I loved it as well. I simply disagree with all of your points, that's all.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


"Why else would he say so?" To be obtuse. If you hadn't noticed, the internet is full of it.


Why, in God's sake, do you have two IMDB profiles?


I'm going to watch it. Big Giamatti fan. Thanks for your asinine review. It makes me want to go watch it. Oh and welcome to IMDB. Why don't you write something useful?


I enjoyed this film, nothing wrong with it I thought !

Hockey Stick Behind The Ear!


I, too, generally enjoy any performance by Rudd and Giamatti. And they're pretty good in this flick, too. I wish Rudd would eventually choose a movie suited to his talents. When it was all said and done and the credits finally rolled on this movie, I had the same opinion as you... I sat through the whole thing because I had paid for it, but shook my head in disbelief that it had actually been made in the first place. The positives were the acting and the photography (I disagree with you on the 'amatuer' comment). The main problem was the whole storyline... I don't think the writer(s?) could decide if they were going for comedy or poignancy. Even as dark comedy, it just wasn't funny in any spot. And it was totally predictable.I knew how it was going to end (end result, anyway... not how it would be accomplised) as soon as I saw Giametti peaking in the window and saw his daughter playing on her cardboard piano keyboard in the first five minutes.


Thank you. Finally a sane person in this thread.


And to think I almost missed this gem because of the low rating...

I absolutely loved this film. I dont get what all the hate is about but then again film is subjective. For me this movie was a great experience. It basically had it all, acting, story, cinematography was all top notch.


And to think I almost missed this gem because of the low rating...
Agreed. It was good.

One of the problems with people's opinions is that they are expecting a certain type of film, and then they get a different one, and their mind's can't handle it. It's why you get a lot of the same old thing. When marketing finds out what sells to the masses they repeat it. It's also why something like this film is good to see. Nice to know people are still telling original stories.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


and sometimes the problem is just a bad script.

I usually don't care for people saying "I only logged on to warn you of this movie" but I gotta say, js is pretty spot on IMO.

What I fail to understand is how everyone is referring to this movie as a dark comedy. How is this a comedy? Because it has Paul Rudd in it and Sally Hawkins speaking in a ridiculous russian accent?

To me the movie is just depressing and boring....and I watched it expecting nothing in particular, I didn't even know if this was marketed as comedy or drama.


The film was good. Period.

But don't expect cars chasing cars, explosions, shootouts, and so on.

Storytelling. And interesting, for that matter.

Much more interesting than all that glitter coming out of Hollywood.


funny too.

today's special: shrimp ceviche!


I don't hate it per se because I'm only into it at the moment the first 20 minutes but it was advertised to me, on cable, as a comedy. So far it seems like a drama. The music and subject matter is dramatic, and it's most likely by the feel of it a drama with perhaps some comedic aspects. But it was advertised to me as a comedy, and that's what I'm in the mood for at the moment.

However, I won't rate it low because of that; the movie isn't the fault of that.


I'm on the road less traveled...


I loved it too, sad yes, but this was never supposed to be a "all laughs funny comedy", I thought it was very good although sad, it felt very real, very close (and for the ones asking, yes, I felt identified with Giamatti's character).


Odd that you jump on IMDB for the first time to dump about this film. As a whole, I did not like this film - way too depressing. However, the acting was good and even brilliant in a few pieces. And it did a good job capturing the hopelessness that comes with the life of crime. All too many films seems to portray the mythical benefits of crime. This one got it right except the last five minutes where it slipped into the mainstream role of a feelgood crime movie. Still didn't like it personally though.


How is it odd? It wasn't my first time on IMDB. I had forgotten my sign-in info. So had to re-do. Makes perfect sense to me - just shows how BAD the movie is.


First Off: Please don't bash a movie if you haven't even watched the entire thing. I can't count the number of films I've see that were just so-so until the final climax.

and Secondly: If you don't like the movie thats fair enough. (once again. even though I'm not entirely sure how you can judge something you didn't even finish watching.). But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. and your views are just that. "YOUR" views.. so you're more than welcome to state them.
However there is absolutely no need to sit there and ridicule other people for their opinions. What gives you the right to basically call someone a liar because they stated that the enjoyed the film?? Other people are allowed to like/dislike different things than you. Its called having a mind of their own and being an individual. You obviously have a lot of growing up to do my dear. Infact, had you been a little more mature you might of enjoyed this film a little bit more.

It takes a lot of audacity to bash someone else's views because they don't match your own...

Why don't you try growing up a little bit... then try watching this film all the way through to the end.
Maybe then other people will accept your opinion a little bit more and not give you such a hard time. And hell. You might even somewhat enjoy the film once you have watched the entire thing. Then again. If you don't like it, thats fine too. But at least this way you will be able to come into a fight with some ammo as opposed to just bringing an unloaded gun.

*Steps off of her soapbox*

~I'm trying to evolve~


If you're talking to me. I DID watch it all the way through. All the way to the bitter end. BTW - I never said I didn't watch all the movie; which takes a lot of audacity for you to say I did. Maybe you need a review in reading comprehension and growing up. Your entire statement is null and void considering it was based on me not "watching this movie all the way to the end". When I DID watch all the way to the end.


I agree with the OP. I had much higher expectations for this film, but it was awful. No wonder I'd never heard about it being in theaters, despite the presence of Giamatti and Rudd. Probably went straight to cable TV, where I saw it.
I hated the ending too.

Bring on the usual "blah blah UWE BOLL blah blah blah TRANSFORMERS blah blah blah CGI" crap. Though why people might treat my opinion as a personal threat to their world views is beyond me.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!




There is no obligation for a movie taking place on Christmas to follow a Christmasy formula. Criticism is always fine, but criticising something for not being what it never attempted to be is silly.
