Dreamt an alternate Indy 5 last night

Strange dream, can only recall it vaguely but was watching an alternate Indy 5 on TV/DVD (might've been the Spielberg version? wasn't clear. I know it was the 5th Indy bc i put it on the dvd player), Indy was in a jungle (brownish and fake looking as if filmed in a studio like Crystal Skull) with others and one of them is Marcus Brody! (possible CG/AI Denholm Elliott but watching it just was felt like the actor as he was) they are searching for some artefact (I get the impression it might've been the fountain of youth like in Pirates 4), then the scene changes and their on a big plane flying somewhere over the vast amazon or something, the plane goes down (think this felt abit like the ending to Dial of Destiny and Terminator Dark Fate). ... Then mightve been the end they are going in some kind of temple thats built into a rocky location (abit like Last Crusade or Dial of Destiny) and its like some deadly game/booby traps etc (abit like the movie Cube or like something from Saw) endless rooms and darkened caves and vast underground caverns/cities ..im assuming they had to go through that stuff to get to the macguffin fountain of youth if thats what it was..

thats all I can recall at the moment .. (in the dream I stopped watching it and then started watching a different film which was like a 50/60s hammer horror about ghosts. I won't get into that!)

anyway it just shows how this film has seeped into my subconscious to the point I'm dreaming about watching an alternate version! (mightve come about bc i was reading the Forbes article yesterday about how much DoD lost! Plus I'm abit fascinated with the alternate version of Indy 5 that was to be directed by Spielberg)


The alternative movie in your dream sounds like derivative crap. A lame unoriginal sketch. Like something Jimmy Fallon would do on his talk show.


It feltlike a combination of various movies, Raiders (Marcus), Crusade (end temple), Skull (fake jungles) Dial (plane), plus maybe Pirates 4 Fountain of Youth


The alternative movie in your dream sounds like oscar winning timeless classic movie worthy of a young Speilberg himself


I got the impression throughout the dream that it was the Spielberg directed version of Indy 5 and it felt very entertaining
