
This movie seems to be totally irrelevant to 2022/2023. It’s been 15 years since the 4th movie, and there hasn’t been anything new related to Indiana Jones (TV shows, video games, etc.) since then to tide fans over or maintain interest. It also has been too long since the release of The Force Awakens when everyone was like “Yea! Lucasfilm is making great movies again!,” and now the confidence in the brand has waned a lot. There also doesn’t really seem to be a big demand for the film anymore with most people accepting that Indiana Jones will never end on a high note, and the whole “‘80s nostalgia” trend of the past decade seems to have run its course.


Lol always love post's like these

like you know wtf your talking about


I am surprised they didn't try an animated series a la Star Wars Rebels or Clone Wars.


Yeah, there should have been an animated series or some other spinoff to keep audiences tided over until another movie.


Well remember the planned spinoff for Marion Ravenwood? Honestly I think a prequel about Belloq might had been more interesting..


Or Marcus Brody


Revisit when he got lost in his own museum?


For example 😁


Avatar was 13 years ago, yet the sequel will gross a billion!


STFU and keep an open mind...smh


It's not irrelevant to the fans that are looking forward to it. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Really? Name a few, and NOT yourself.



The biggest tragedy here is that Disney now has control of the Indy IP. They are ruining everything they touch right now so it's only a matter of time before they irreversibly fuck Indy up too.


Disney has no clue how to manage anything that they have gotten from Lucasfilm.

I'm convinced that George Lucas was either on drugs when he sold all of his properties, or disney had dirt on him, and made him sell. Seriously, who would be THAT F'n stupid?


I suspect that Lucas had grown bored with movies and was just looking for a big payday.

But did he have to sell to Disney? Were there no other interested buyers? If he could go back now and make different decisions, would he still sell to them?


"It also has been too long since the release of The Force Awakens when everyone was like “Yea! Lucasfilm is making great movies again!,”"

Um, Sidha? NO-ONE ever said that. At best, it was a knee-jerk reaction to the trailers but once people saw this crap movie, they KNEW it was crap, formulaic, unoriginal and a complete carbon copy of A New Hope.
