Now Spielberg isn't involved..

So why the hell would anybody think this is a good idea. Obviously Disney doesn't care as long as they milk every dollop of $ from an already existing franchise and have a Woke party. What a bummer. I guess Mc G will direct Indy 5 or something.


Most of the target audience doesn't care about director changes. In fact the target audience might be even too young to remember Indy 4.





If Harrison Ford has any integrity left as a gatekeeper for this character, he should pull out now. Don't let it get even worse than Crystal Skull. Pull out, somewhat preserve the legacy of the franchise, and let Disney completely reboot it, like they probably want to anyway.

Bring on the black/gay/female "Indiana Jones" reboot, so I can ignore it completely and enjoy the originals.




Yea, cuz it’s not like they weren’t planning on making another installment before reich wing disapproved Disney (keep doing your forward-thinking thing that constantly triggers the colonizer maga klowns, Disney!) owned Lucasfilm. And we know NO ONE would have made another one with or without Spielberg had the aforementioned maga klan disapproved Disney never owned this IP. *eye roll*

But whether it’s this property, any other older property you feel belongs to you (and that was also made by non-reich wingers, lol), or of course a completely new property, you broke gatekeeping bigot magababies (so-called classical liberals included) live to cry over Hollywood as a whole (and most of society) not keeping things the way they were back in your good ol’ privileged days. As such… KEEP triggering these Q loons, incels and overall reactionary fascist chuds, Disney!

Woke! Woke! This film and actor is anti-white! Virtue signaling! Forced diversity! Deep state blah blah. Yea, so kewl and edgy with that constant crying over the woke boogeyman… true broken record faux news propagandists you are. I swear, despite this kinda fear mongering running rampant on the internet nowadays, they should just change the name of this particular site to ‘Pseudo-Intellectual Dork Web Movie Hate Chat’ or ‘Angry Con White Dudes Against Modernity and All Things Not Us’ or some shyt.

At any event, keep those salty AF reich wing trumpanzee tears coming (and ya shall obviously).


He never said he was going to be involved and I thought James Mangold was directing.


Spielberg was originally going to direct.


Woke it up
