Letters to Allah

To the Christian people who loved this movie:

If you had seen this movie in its entirety and instead of writing letters to the christian god, the kid wrote letters to Allah (the Muslim god), would you still like this movie as much as you did? Would you still find it as inspiring and uplifting? Would you recommend that "everyone should see it"?

And though I can fight, I'd much rather recite...That's entertainment!



Allah was originally just a "moon god" of Mohammed's family.
Ten minutes with google is all it takes to disprove that silly claim. It appears that the primary source for the story is Robert Morey who is a christian apologetic - someone who believes that their particular version of Christianity is provably true rather than an issue of faith and has dedicated their life to proving it.

No serious historian gives any credence to Morey's claim. Trusting what Morey has to say about Islam is about as smart as trusting a wahhabi imam's opinion of the Southern Baptist Convention.



Wow, you really did some deep research there, son. Google up "moon god" then see that some Baptist preacher said this then make the claim that the whole thing is bunk.

No, what I did was read all the criticism of the claim that Allah was just a moon god. The #1 proponent of that belief just happens to be a Robert Morey, who you seem to be quite familiar with since you knew he's a baptist.

By the way, Yahweh of the Jews is nothing but the "storm god" of the Syrians (Akkadians).
And Jesus is "nothing but" Horus or Krishna or Dionysius

Except none of that is true in any meaningful sense. You might as well argue that Odin is nothing more than Zeus with an eye patch.



No. Jesus loves you; Allah wants you dead.


Keep up the trolling. Fortunately, most Christians are sane and don't believe this kind of 700 Club Pat Robertson garbage. Take your useless BS back to WND.


So you're on crack? Explains so much.
