How does "Hollow Earth"...?

Have sunlight if its below Earth's surface?

Thanks in advance.


There is another sun in Hollow Earth. They call it the Hollow Sun


Honestly, it was all a bit silly but pretty entertaing.


Hollow Earths are fairly common in SF and Adventure Fiction. From 1741s "Niels Kim's Underground Adventures" to Casaanova's "Icosameron to Burrough's Pellucisdar, to DC comics Skartaris, to Marvel's "The Savage Land" (that one's a bit murkier) to the video game Terranigma. One feature is a small sun in the center. This usually implies that there is no night, simply an endless day.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem

The Shattered World begins in 2025


It's utterly insane that the MCU has not introduced the Savage Land as a location or a major plot point yet. Unless it was a rights issue with Fox before Disney bought it.


Same way everything else inexplicable works in these movies; some hand-wave reference to radiation. Which is only harmful when it's convenient, of course.
