MovieChat Forums > Modern Family (2009) Discussion > Lily = The worst actor I've ever seen

Lily = The worst actor I've ever seen

Her delivery.. her timing.. everything is just horrible!

How did she land this gig? The other kids out-perform her tenfold..

"Every passing minute, is another chance to turn it all around"


I don't know if Aubrey is a good actor by objective standards but I find her to be a very believable little girl.

Or, I don't know anything about art but I know what I like.

I've been watching reruns of season 7 again for the first time, I just saw the one about the storm (7.14). One of the girls at Lily's party, Ashley - the stuck up girl they all deferred to - had some lines. First she was disdainful of the idea of a princess party - and we know how Lily feels about princesses. Ashley's performance consisted mainly of being appalled by Mitchell's shirt, which was too tight. If you saw that episode, how good an actor would you say she was?

When Lily decided to stand up to her and led everyone outside to have a pool party in the rain, I cheered!


I just watched that, too...loved that scene, and especially the one at the end with Phil and Jay having a drink in their "Irish Pub." Lots of emotions going on in that episode! ;-)


Agreed. It's not her fault cause she's just a child, and the adults in her life are steering her wrong.
I liked the character much better when she was a baby and didn't talk.



Ironic that she is Lily 2.0, because original Lily was too emotional lol.

She's so forced and at times you can literally watch her reading her lines. She's old enough to be able to read and memorize lines, & deliver them with some facet of believability.

The problem now is, you can't replace her. The show is in its twilight anyhow, so it's probably a moot point. But at least spring for some acting lessons. She's probably a little young to grasp method acting but on some level you'd think she'd be able to relate somewhat.

Maybe she needs to going back to being mimey the set decoration.


It does seem obvious when she's reading her lines. She is dreadful now. You are right to say that her delivery seems forced. It's uncomfortable to watch now.


I've always found it to be like this. I don't even give professional children, save for early toddlers, a pass as even very young actors are good at what they do...however, for Lily to STILL be acting like this in her grown-up age is, yes, super uncomfortable. Poor girl was clearly not meant for this line of's kind of unforgivable for the show to have cast her. Like I said you could always tell she wasn't ever going to be good.


Ironic that she is Lily 2.0, because original Lily was too emotional lol.

I don't understand what you mean by that. Are you saying that the first Lily was fired for cause? I've heard (here) that both Lily and Joe (and maybe little Ricky before them) were "aged" over the summer by hiring older kids who could speak lines.


That's how her character is written. She nails it.

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**





Her character is written to seem not even a character but an actor, or more accurately somebody trying to be an actor, reading lines from a card? Interesting.

Before you say it, no, she is not "deadpan". She can't act. She's not a stuck up, cynical brat...SHE CAN'T ACT.

I'm glad at least on this thread there seem to be others who understand this, because I unfortunately see a LOT of people incomprehensibly saying the same thing you have 


She is my favorite character on the show, love her delivery


Haha, How could anyone love her delivery..So you love actors/actresses when you can see them thinking of what their next line is..And looking directly at the camera at least once an episode..And that's the best take they could manage to edit..She really hasn't improved after spending so many hours on set for so many years...

A typical Lily scene :

Director: We need you to be excited in the next scene..And Action!

Lily : ( monotone and emotionless) Yay...( Then stares at the camera for 5 seconds for some reason)


This! And no, she has not improved one bit. Acting is not for her.


You two really don't get her character, do you? She is supposed to be the exact opposite of her over-the-top dads.


Ohh..That must be it! A brilliant restrained performance from her..The way the audience can see the lines ticking through her head before she delivers them with no emotion whatsoever while making sure the cameras are still in the room..


Right, that makes sense. So the opposite of her parents is:

-Lacking any ability to act
-Delivering lines like a kindergartener trying to read from a book for the first time
-Looking at cue cards
-Visibly reading from the cue cards
-Halting throughout delivery

I'm not sure what you do not understand. This ain't hard.


So her character is written to be a girl who talks as if she reading cue cards?

"People who live within their means suffer from a lack of imagination" Oscar Wilde


I was coming on to cite the same thing. She's the worst.


I don't think it's her acting, per se, that's bad. It's the way they've written her character to be a complete, nasty, little brat.


I'd say Rico Rodriguez (Manny) is the worst. He is just awful with no redemption.

But Lily comes in second place.


I can't comment on her acting, but, she isn't very cute, not like she used to be.


I agree. The actress is awful and the character is awful.
